Tuesday, September 4, 2007

3... 2.. 1... MERDEKA!

it's been a while since my last post everything's been so hectic since i came back. class started, assignments due every week, stupid field trips, andddd... dance practice every weeknite to prepare for the merdeka grande dinner. i got sick a few nites before merdeka. so unfortunate. but whatever may come, nothing will stop me from celebrating 50th merdeka day! we had the countdown at UniSA west campus. it rained. a person with a fever and rain does not mix well i suppose. but again, who ever listens to their doctors when such important events are at stake?! :p there was a bbq... read out of poems... songs sang... definitely worth getting sickER :p here are a few pictures:

Then on the 31st townhouse 46 did some masak-masak ... sort of like our own little merdeka celebration since nothing was gonna happen that day. Mesti Sarah wants me to give credit to the "chefs".. hahaha... ok laaa... Sarah buat kek coklat tu... very2 sweet tp sedapppp sgt! Mariah ngn Hazerq is responsible for the agar2. nyam2. Penuh ngn fruits!! Those delicioso chicken u see.. is from Khai and Simi. Eh.. Mariah buat cream caramel gak! And me...? beli kan air ngn keropok je. HUhuhu.. org demam la katekan... so sorry. I was actually on planning to buat roti jala or bubur chacha... tp tak larat. HUhuhu..

Then the next day... we had full run-thru of the whole performance in the morning. Balek umah rushing utk siap2... then kol 7/7.30pm gitu gi balek Dom Polsky utk Merdeka Grande Dinner. Tah la.. I heard some people tak puas hati with what they got in return for their entry of 30aud. Tapi to me it was good enough la. The place was beautifully decorated. Tp shame tak sempat nak amek gambar of the decors. The props were so cantek. Food tak cukup makan.. tp agak2 la. Kalau nak nyanyi2 and nari2 cam org gile after the show was over tu... takleh mkn byk2 kottttt... nanti termuntah gak :p We laughed, sang, and danced like crazy people after all the guests left and it was just the students in the theatre. Dikir barat was good. I didn't get any pix of it. Didn't get to see the silat and the band play. People worked hard on their performances and may i just say.. it was a success :) Don't let nobody say otherwise! It may be sad to admit this... but mmg one of the best merdekas i've celebrated la. Before this it used to be with embassy people... who weren't as loose as we were that night... or it used to be me in school or at home doing homework. hehehe.

<3 suryani

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

the opportunities to take risks

well. hello. it's been a while since i've written in a blog..
last was xanga... it still exists til today.. but only cos i donno how to close the account. and i never bothered going back to figure out how to close the account. haha

now. that i have so much to say,
i think a blog is the only place for me to express my feelings since i'm not much in expressing my feelings in real life to anyone. i'd like for people.. my friends.. and especially people who take me for granted.. i'd like them to know... that if i do end up expressing my feelings to you.. it's because i trust you whole-heartedly... and, not that i'm getting big-headed about it.., but i think that you should be thankful and touched that i could express my feelings to you.

ok. topic for today. risks. and taking them?

all i gotta say.. is that i'm always confused... i don't know whether to take the risk or not. i'm always torn .. between knowing that.. if i do take the risk.. there are so many things at stake. especially a good, solid friendship. not just with one person, but with several!

if i don't take the risk.. who knows .. the path might shift in the duration of waiting time.. and i might never know what could have happened.

but i guess now that words were already said. and i agree with them... i guess only time will tell of the results...

so for now...here's the picture of the week: husayn + qystina (my niece)

<3 suryani