Monday, September 29, 2008

tit for tat.

note to self: change all my web songs to raya songs so we can make it feel more like suasana hari raya!

well, here i am sitting in my messy room.
with no sleep.
listening to raya songs.
and still not done with my assignment that's due at 2pm today.

why am i writing a blog when i should be doing it, you ask????

cos my grandma skips faster than the 3ds max program!
i'm waiting for my animation to render out.
and lemme see.... 5 minutes more to finish out the rendering.
but then another animation file to make right after that.
then another rendering, probably lasting for an hour -_-!!!

on the brightside....
i got my acuan utk kuih loyang that was sent from malaysia!
i got my first kad raya!!!
physical card.
probably the only one i'll get this year.
what a draggggggggggggggggggg!!

i need sleep!
but i cant!
cos i gotta go to uni right after i finish my renderings.
then i gotta go to work at 6pm!
then when i come back...
plan is to make a suasana hari raya scene in our kitchen.

ape niiiii!!!
i thought raya was all about celebration and happiness...
where's my time off?!

<3 suryani

Saturday, September 27, 2008


alright. i'm continuing this from my previous entry.
no biggie, but my previous entry was just me blabbering on about my complaints on work stuff.
it has nothing to do with what i'm gonna talk about now.

while i was working,
this middle-aged... well, more closer to end of middle-aged la..haha!
he paid using maybank card.
so i knew right away that he was malaysian.
and he asked me if i was malaysian,
so i said yes.
then...terus die complain about malaysia!!!?!!? he was rambling about how malaysia is such a racist country...
about how there's this saying (a malaysian phrase that's often said, but i don't know exactly what it was)...

some of you know how bad my malay language is...
but as long as u can understand me, right?

well, this phrase meant that the dominant race in malaysia are the malays.
or at least, that's what he told me it meant.
he said that's why he left malaysia 2 years ago and moved here.
as he says... he enjoys spending his money here in Adelaide.
okay. where you spend ur money doesn't matter...or at least, i don't think so.

as i was taking some plates to the kitchen,
he stopped me and asked if i was student or if i was working.
i said i was a student.
then he asked me if i was sponsored by mara.
i said private laaaa.
i didn't mention that i was under jpa loan.
then he started rambling on again...
this time... about how if i was a mara student, he would be the one paying for my scholarship.
he went on about how he has a company in malaysia...
and he's still making lots of money from that...
and also paying taxes or something to do with taxes la.
kept on repeating the fact that he was paying for the mara students.
then he went on saying how the students (not sure if he was talking about mara or just all msian students overseas in general) aren't even that great.
how they can't make it on their own.
most of them are sponsored, but they can barely pass...
i'm not entirely sure on the whole thing...
tapi as long as boleh lulus and dpt keje yg stabil in the future... xpe la kan?
whatever la. i didn't want to layanthis man. so i just left for the kitchen.

then he came to order something else.
sempat lagi die nak complain psl bende len!!
this time about politics.
and a little bit about the students.
SUMPAH X TANYA OKAY!!! but he's my customer.
terpaksa layan.
and about the politics and the student stuff... i really don't know anything about it.
i told him i had no comment.
then he raised his voice like he in a debate.
i'm sorry. didn't know i signed up for one when i served him.
he said i had to comment.
it's MY people.
what the fishhhhh?
i told him la, i've only been in malaysia for 6 yrs of my entire life.
i really have no place to comment.
as if in.. i literally DON'T KNOW about this stuff okay?
tapi pakcik ni tak puas hati...
hape2 la wey.
i gotta serve other customers behind you.
so he just went back to his table.

so complicated one arrr.
didn't know there were people like this.
i may not have lived in msia for long to be able to comment,
but i'll tell u guys what i don't like.
i don't like when people start talking bad about my country.
sure. everyone's got a right to their own opinion.
but please keep it to yourself or to your own kind.
don't say it to someone who is the "kind" that you are complaining about.

<3 suryani

Friday, September 26, 2008

build me up... with anger.

another day that makes me hate people more.

i just got back from work.
excuse me for using aku/kau for the next couple paragraphs.
but i feel that it shows my anger more.
aku keje ngn si budak pompuan bengong ni lagi.
awal2 nampak ok lagi.
dak laki yg kecik tu x dtg sbb die kate die xtau die keje arini.
so kwn laki aku lg sorang ni replace die.
dak ni smp kol 10 je. ptt die buat
pre-close je.
tp tgk2 die tolong bersihkn tmpt masak tu.
which is the part that everyone doing back close really dreads about.
so kire dak pompuan tu nye keje dh kurang sket la utk closing.
10mins to closing ada ramai gile org dtg order.
budak pompuan ngok ngek tu sendiri ckp kt aku xleh
eat in dah.
aku amek la order dua org ni.
then aku terpakse tlg masak kejap...
budak pompuan senget tu plak amek order.
die x bgtau satu group ni... yg xleh mkn situ dh. kene
take away.
kire keje aku lg byk aR!
dorang ramai2 dok kt meja tu.
bersepah mkn.
aku lambat angkat kusi, lambat lap meja, lambat tutup!
aku tanye la pompuan sial tu! apsal dia gi kasik dorang mkn sinI!
dgn english die yg aku x pham tu ade la jwpan die something like this:
i don't know. i alkejoiJeoijalkjlei3j3i....
so aku tgh buat closing aku. bleh x die pegi mintak aku amek pinggan2 utk die supaya die bleh siap basuh2 pinggan?
..... -_-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku buat dek je la.
last2 aku bwk pegi utk die...
die dh matikn dishwasher n die dah tanggalkn smue tools utk dishwasher tu.
aku kate la ade dishes lagi.
die gi kate...
"i already said to bring it all in." dgn muke cam vavik die tu.
aku dgn selamber nye blah je cmtu x kasik die habeskn sentence die.
aku biar je pinggan2 koto tu.
seb bek aku siap gak keje2 tu. xde la lambat sgt.

so this contributes to my ever-rising bad mood.
ade jugak terase ngn tensen ngn stgh org kt adelaide ni.
agak nye mmg xleh rapat kot ngn sesape kt sini.
so from now on i guess i'll just do it my own way.
tensen gak ngn esainmen due monday ni.
tetibe je program tu xnak bukak.
smlm okay je....

so yes. i have one more thing to complain about, but i will continue next time.
i think i'll try to start my assignment.

<3 suryani

Thursday, September 25, 2008

si comel!


it definitely made my .... night?
made me think, TERUK GILE manusia2 dlm cite tu!!!

tonight, macam biase... i worked with budak laki tu!
i did my part of the closing,
then i had to help him with his closing!
it makes me annoyed that we dont get paid extra for this...
and we dont get paid extra during holidays too!

think of Wall-E yanie, think of Wall-E.

i feel like class is starting next week.
just cos of this animation assignment due next monday.
i hope i get things done.
boss kasi lebih dr satu hari keje... walopon dh btaw die bape ribu kali org nak sekali sminggu je. so now i really have to manage my time.
nasib baik nxt week cuti lagi
boleh la stay up all night utk siapkn esainmen.
balek je... TIDO SATU HARI!
beats the purpose of fasting.
okay okay, i'll try to be a good girl and forget about my beauty sleep.

<3 suryani

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

nothing changes.

yay me!
i'm so proud of myself today :)
or rather.. should i say... last night coming to this morning!
it's 3.15am.
and i did what i would jarang buat.
i'm not gonna say what exactly it was
but whatever it is, i'm proud :D!
pat on the back for me.

note to self: KEEP GOING! DON'T STOP NOW!

aside from that:
1. work today (last night) was okay. the manager was a little moody for personal reasons. she apologized if she snapped at me (which she did) but i understood. i thought i would be able to leave on time after clean up cos the guy i worked with is very good at doing his part of the closing. but i guess it's been a while since last time i closed with him. now, dia dah buat restoran ni mcm restoran BAPAK die okay!

ada meal lebih yang takde org order langsung!
and i was about to take it out. but there wasn't an order for it. tanya la dia order ni dtg dari mana. pastu bleh tak die senyum je, amek pinggan tu, and bwk pinggan tu kt kwn dia!

ptt la kwn dia dok diam je kt satu meja ni. igtkan tunggu member habis keje ke ape...
mentang2 manager dah turun ke opis kejap. ape! igt senyuman die tu MENAWAN sgt ke?!
oh ade lagi satu! nak tutup dah, so orang xbleh mkn kt restoran tu. kene
take away je. i ckp la kat last customer tu yg x boleh mkn sini dah. and customer tu nk argue sbb dia takde tmpt len nk mkan. but what to do! i just said they couldn't.

i had to go back kitchen kejap. tgk2 dak laki tu gi amek order customer baru masuk. and dia kasik org tu mkn kt restoran! apekah?!!!!

i asked him why. he said cos he knows them.
OKAY! lemme just say this: kalau kita "KENAL" customer tu sbb die selalu dtg mkn kt tmpt tu... ni bermaksud... AKU PON KENAL RAMAI ORG LA! kasik penuh restoran tu supaya xleh tutup on time!

2. this week i've got lots of hours to work with. for some reason the owner thinks that only aida's housemate gets to take all her shifts. it's okay. at least i'm making some money before i slow down for the month of october.

3. i've got to manage my time! got a huge assignment due on monday next week! and i've only got to two free days before then to do most of the animation! i'm trying not to panic. and i hope i dont panic last minute.

that's as far as i can go for today. will update more soon. :)
hope you enjoyed my bickering!

<3 suryani

Saturday, September 20, 2008

ups and downs.

although this year has definitely been better than last year
so far.
it also had its downs.

i dont know, but i wasn't quite prepared for this.
agak terasa la...
but i try not to let it get to me.

i guess the lesson learned is,


aside from that, i'd like to wish a good friend of mine a very happy birthday.
belated actually.


sorry lambat...
lambat wish kt sini je la. hehe

don't worry people,
i'm a good friend.
i wished her earlier already on the 19th ;)

oh. p/s. sorry i wasn't there to celebrate at cocolat. but will make it up to u :)

<3 suryani

Thursday, September 18, 2008


trying something new.

i decided to turn my bed around. haha.
i don't know... but i was watching hellboy II
then i had the sudden urge to change the position of my bed.
what movie i was watching totally had nothing to do with it.
so i turned my bed around.. thinking i wanted to turn it 180 degrees.
against the other wall.
then tiba2 i wanted to put it horizontally against the wall instead of vertically (how i usually position it).

yes, this is a very interesting topic to blog about.
so keep reading people.

so i had to turn the bed another 90 degrees...
when all i could've started out with was turn it just that way in the first place.
so yeah, this meant that i had to push aside everything on the floor.
not surprisingly, all the things on the floor sorta automatically piled up around where the bed used to be. haha
if i literally picked up the bed and carried it off to another part of the room
you could see a rectangle shape that these things on the floor would border around.

so after doing that i just threw away some -- wait, ALOT of scraps that were left from my model making just a couple days ago.
now, the room is back to its neat state :D

no, i will not put a picture of my room.
although it is neat, it's not COMPLETELY neat.
with just a few things off to the side.
i can't seem to find a place for them.
and some garments,
that, apparently, cannot fit into my closet space.

anyway, yesterday, i took some pictures of the city.
we had wonderful weather.

last week, we went to the moon lantern festival.
which we arrived too late for.
so we ended up playing assassin on the lawns.

<3 suryani

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

set the record.


that, my fellow anonymous readers, was a sign of satisfaction and excitement!

what is it for, you may ask?

well, for the first time since second semester last year...
D+ to be exact.
i loved the fact that the tutor said she would've given a HD
but we didn't have landscape.

it was for the model that i posted pictures of previously.
i know it sounds sad...
since last year!
tak dapat2 tinggi camtu.
and it sounds even more low when you realize it was group work.



just for that, i'm awarding myself with a day of NO assignments.
even if i already skipped class today.

let's end this happy entry with a put-a-smile-on-your-face picture of my webcam time with my niece.

<3 suryani

Sunday, September 14, 2008

naive little kids.

today was a fine, fine day.
weather was great.
unluckily, the day had to be ruined by work -_-.!!

i left early cos i remembered i had a library book that had to be returned by today.
nasib baik ingat, kalau tak..
i think we get demerit points.
i just don't like the word "demerit"
then i had about an hour to get to work,
so i went to take some pictures of blooming flowers.
as everyone knows,
spring is coming!!!

anyway... teruk gile keje arini okayyyy!
i worked with a girl, a boy, and a manager.
the girl was supposed to do closing with me,
tapi, tah la dia ni. byk sgt complain, byk sgt permintaan.
die sebok sgt nak pegi Royal Adelaide Show.
at first, ingatkn dia x pnh pegi lagi
tapi rupa2nya, dia dh pegi dh with her family,
but die nak pegi lagi skali because it's the last day....
so she swapped shift with the boy.
the boy, he always gets shifts that lasts til 10pm, which is when we close.
but we leave at 11pm to do closing and cleaning.
budak laki tu lembab gile bile buat closing
so i think that's why dia x pnh dpt closing til 11pm
anyway.. he practically bragged about knowing how to do every kind of closing
so since the manager was sick, she didn't really assign anyone to anything.
i had the boy do back kitchen, and i did front closing.
but i'd help him when im done.
ya rabbbbiiiiiiii!my nenek does faster work than he does okay!
i had to tell him what to do, or if he's done that this that...
if the manager and i didnt help him,
we'd still be cleaning after 11pm.
dah la esok ademeeting.
i thought i'd be able to just sleep in and wake up later to do my assignment :(

anyway... here are some pictures i took.

<3 suryani

Thursday, September 11, 2008

finally. good news!


ticket has been approved by wisma putra!!

i'm soooo overly excited... i cant even buat keje.
haha. i know that sounds stupid.
and like an excuse.
but now i can finally sleep peacefully.
and countdown the days knowing that i have confirmation :D

<3 suryani


i didnt go to class today.
and for that, i feel so useless, lying in bed and doing nothing.
really defeats the point of fasting actually...
but i had a major headache last night.
came to the point where i couldn't sahur.
i felt like i wanted to throw up.

for the whole day i felt bersalah gile.
i know that i have a lot of things due soon.
then there's the debate i have to prepare for nxt tuesday.
demmit! since when do architecture students focus on debating!
i thought i escaped all that after high school graduation!
so i have to read a few thousand pages.
yes, i am exaggerating.
planning on going to khai's room after this.
it seems that i can only concentrate on work when i'm in khai's room.
don't ask me why, i don't even know myself.

aside from that,
i booked a ticket back to malaysia today...
just as a back up if there aren't any seats left by the time the letter my mom sent to wisma putra gets approved.
mahal gile okay!
to compare from last year...

that's it for this week's updates i guess.
oooo. yeah. our presentation for tuesday went great.
the lecturer totally loved our model,
never saw him smile like he meant it.
so let's end today's blog with a couple pictures of it.

<3 suryani

Sunday, September 7, 2008

of fatigue.

so, my room is now... how should i say it...?
clean isn't really the word...
but it's not dirty!
let's say... not messy

the house inspection is tomorrow...
and we've finally finished cleaning our house.
well... i couldn't really help with the dapur
i had to concentrate more on my room and the bilik air
cos everyone's done them.. 'cept for me. -_-!
see..! benda ni pon i. keep on procrastinating.
sigh...ape la nak jadi...

i've moved back to my katilnow
after who knows how many months of sleeping on the floor,
which i'll admit is very comfortable.
at this very moment i'm just wondering how long my room will stay this way.

anyway.. i should be doing my assignment e-task that's due online before 11am tomorrow morning.
but i'm here, updating my blog.
demmit! i think i'm going back to my xanga days.
filled with just blogging.

i'm so sleepy.
kenot hold my eyes open.
but i mustttttttttttttttttttt!!!
for there are assignments needed to be done by tomorrow!!!!....
..... unless i don't go to class.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... *good idea?*

well.. i'll stop here for today.
i was gonna post up some pics,
tapi malas gile.



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

long time no update.

ive decided that i want to continue with my blogspot account. ...

i felt like i just wanted to express my excitement after i put on the new dress i bought from dotti

cun gile okayyyyyyy... i can't wait to wear it for our supposed "raya picnic"...
i was just going shopping for that dress with laila.
and i told her that i wouldn't be surprised if i bought another dress as the time for the picnic to take place gets closer.
susah la... nak beli baju awal2 ni... mesti lame2 nnt ade baju baru... yg LAGI lawa.
*sigh* the complications of being a shopaholic...

on another note:
it's finally september.
66 days to go =D
i kinda guessed that august would fly by real fast...
cos of all the activities for merdeka, which by the way... was GREAT!
better than last year i'd say.
now... to get through september...
you know that thing where... you can't wait to have something to look forward to
but then when you do, time gets slower the closer it gets to that date?
aiyooo....that's what i feel now.
i'm looking forward to end of puasa... then start raya.

tapi dah raya nanti mesti hectic gile.
there's work.
there are the assignments.
there are the open houses.
and there's the picnic (which is one that i won't miss, definitely.) =P

well. i don't know what to say la.
byk sgt la fikir at one time.
so better i stop now.
and catch up on that "beauty" sleep i desperately need.


P.S. i webcammed with qystina today. she's so big now.
and so cerdik okayyyy.
i felt a little down, bored, and lonely at that time.
but once i heard her call me acu, i totally lit up like a frickin dynamite.
usually it'd be so hard to get her to call me acu... or even to say anything.
but now... can't make her stop.
i was talking to my sister and qys kept on kacau-ing. "ACUUUU!!! ACU!!!!! ACUUUUU!!!"
ade once ni.. my sister tanya dia "qys ni bila nak tido ha? tak ngantok ke?!"
then qys answered... "amboi... nanti lah!"
ahahah. imagine that with a lil cute kid's voice.
and one time ni... my sister left some space on the bed so that the webcam only focused on qys.
then qys screamed at my sister "duduk la sini!!!!" patting her hand on the empty space by her side.
hahaha. so comel la that little girl.
lucky i'm not there or else i'd be gigit-ing her oredi.

<3 suryani