Thursday, October 30, 2008

just for the moment.

and again...
my nights consists of going to uni at around 5 or 6pm and staying til late.
but yesterday laila and i only stayed til 12 seeing as how we both have to be at uni in the morn today~

i've got a lecture at 1.
but i recently checked my email and we can have consultation sessions if we want today...from 9-12pm.
it's 10am now -- i'llbe leaving soon.
knowing how my lecturer likes to go on and on and on about a particular subject.
last lecture, he talked about ONE BOOK for about half an hour.
but he stayed on that same slide for about an hour.
which meant we had to go overtime into our next lecture session.
*rolls eyes*

while i was at uni last night i had a good chat with leandro.
it's good to finally be able to chat with him instead of just sending messages or comments on myspace.
in a best-friends-way, we're kind of each other's better halves.
he understands me, and i understand him.
and we balance each other out, him being his goofy self and mean to other people,
while i'm mean to him, but i can talk him into being nice to others.
and i feel useless when i can't help him with his problems when i'm all the way out here in australia.
ridiculous okay! a book that costs 137 US dollars!!!
a math book at that!!!
what is the world coming to...

well, i'm almost done with my digital media part of assignments.
which is good i guess...
but seeing as how i have an essay, another digital composition, and a physical model to build, all before monday....
i should be panicking.
which i will...
on sunday.
when i still haven't started my model.

well, i should be going to uni now.
toodles people. ;)
ttyl --

<3 suryani

Monday, October 27, 2008

going crazy.

ape nak jadi... ape nak jadi.. sampai sekarang x kawennnn lagiiiii

okay. soooo off topic.
at the moment, i'm in the architecture computer lab with laila.
the point of coming?
to finish up my assignment so that i can concentrate on my other subject's assignment.
but i'm out of ideas of how much better my animation could be.
i try not to lie to myself...
yea... the animation is pretty crappy.
but hey, as long as i pass right?

ni laila punye pasal la ni.
she made me write this blog.
i was happily "working"...
she made me go read her blog and was contemplating whether to update my own or not.
laila suruh update!!!
okay. let's stop talking about laila.asyek psl dieeee je...

last friday night we all went to see the rundle lantern by hungry jacks.
the opening act was awesome gileeeeeee
here are some pictures of the estimated 2 billion australian dollars lantern thing the city of adelaide spent on.

we celebrated bontot's birthday saturday night.
laila and i spent most our night at the architecture comp lab til we had to go to bontot's house to "surprise" him.
and we were at the lab last night too!
it actually feels nice to spend my time here...
only at night .. and if there aren't a lot of people.
it's really quiet. easier for me to concentrate on my work.
but don't take now as an example.
now i'm just out of ideas.
after i've used all of them up.
my brain just can't make up anymore creative thoughts.

anyway, it's 11 more days to go!! :D
i seriously can't wait.
but now i'm just worried for my assignments and my messy room which needs to be cleaned before i leave.
in addition to that, there's my sister merajuk-ing because i told her i don't want to stay in ireland for more than a month.
either i leave before new year... or i don't go at all.
and she actually told me to not come!!
she probably expects me give in or something.
oh well.
her loss.
and mine too. but since i don't think i have to sacrifice my new year EVERY frickin year, it's just gonna be her loss this time.

i should get to my assignment now.


ooo. wait. there's one more thing.
i did something to someone... that i felt really bad about.
but i couldn't stop myself from doing it.
because... taktauuuuuu.
dia sgt blur dan sgt....tahhhhhhh... mcm SELAMBLURRRRRR punya org.
it makes me really easy to get mad.
mmm.. no use lah talking about it here.

<3 suryani

Friday, October 17, 2008

not so shocking news.

there are so few people that i can count on in my life.

there. that's what's been on my mind lately.
aside from missing my best friends.

christine: last time i visited, we were't even able to spend that much time together. i feel like i've been missing out on your life lately :(

arielle: my poking buddy. although we poke each other everyday on fb, doesn't mean that we update on each others' activities daily too. unlike christine, i know ur online sometimes. i miss ur jokes (as lame as they are.. they still make me laugh)... i miss u being my tour guide. i miss spending time with u. i remember the last time we hung out, u brought me to soho. u kno my shopping habits ;p

leandro: u've been there so much for me lately. u make me smile most :) i miss ur goofy-ness. u understand me the most too. which is pretty shocking as far as guys go in understanding women. i still keep the 8th grade picture of u from our senior trip. the year we acknowledged each others' existence. i miss u. u said u were saving up the money!!! so when's ur arrival ?!!!

these 3 people are the closest people i have in my life, besides my family of course.
but you all know how that goes.
i confide more in my best friends.
and worst of all, all 3 are hard to reach.
all in the states.
and i'll never know when the next time will be that we can get together.

i know u guys are reading this.
all i can say is... u don't know how much u guys mean to me right now.
amidst all the drama in my life and the hectic schedule of assignment submissions.

i really miss u.

aside from that:-
today.. or .. actually yesterday, october 17th, was my sister's 29th bday!!!!
happy bday kaklong!!!!!!!!!!!
what i can say for this woman is that she's the closest thing to a sisterly bonding that i have.
and my family knows how hard it is for me to bond with them.
she's such a patient person. so calm. so understanding.
i don't know how she holds it all in.
but with that, she's been repaid in happiness.

today...october 18th!!! is my niece's 2nd bday!!!!!!!!!
happy bday qystina nur athirah!!!
u comel comel little bubbly girl.
she's no stranger in this blog, as i put so many pictures of her in previous entries.
i still remember the time my sister had to rush to the hospital.
and i still remember having to wait in the lobby for hours on end cos i couldn't go in.
tgh tido mlm2... tetibe kene kejut... kene rush pegi spital...
i was so eager to hold her!
i know that i can never be there for any of her birthdays...
seeing as how we're so far away from each other.
that makes me sad... cos i want to be the one that she confides in...
the aunt that she trusts.. when she's older. hehe.
tapi xpe... acu ade beli banyakkkk barang utk qys!!!!

lesson learned today: nothing is as it seems. so don't assume unless u've got proof. never get close, unless u've got ur guard on.ow. i tell u what... ow...

<3 suryani

Monday, October 13, 2008

(no) more drama in our life.

haven't been updating lately due to ...
well.. i don't really know the word that describes it best.
so why don't i just tell u guys what's been happening lately?

went to harbortown on saturday with laila.
finished up the last of our shopping :D.. hint hint. *if u kno what i mean*
went to glenelg and spent the rest of the day there.
it nice to be able to soak in the sun.
and observe the surroundings.
we sat right behind this old couple.
the makcik was very the gatal one.
selak2 seluar pakcik tu...isk....

then we went down to the water itself and took some pictures.

other than that,
life has been filled with drama the past few days.
of my own and of others.
i'm just trying to get through the final 25 days.
next week is my last week of lectures and studios.
then all i have to wait for is the final submissions on november 3rd.
i've also applied for a room move.
to a 2-bedroom apartment, which i hopefully will get.
and the thing that brought me down the most today was that i wanted to take an elective that takes me to Penang nxt year 2nd semester.
but the lecturer didn't tell us that they could only take on 25 students.
and now it's all filled up, unless there's a cancellation.
i hope there is.
i actually made my mind up a while ago, but was too busy to log into my uni webmail.
stupid me.

well. here's where it ends.
i really shud be continuing with my assignment now.
but i stopped halfway, since it's only a rough concept that i have to bring in 2moro.
so i should get some sleep.

<3 suryani

Friday, October 10, 2008

bright things, young things.

today was such a beautiful day.
the sun shining brightly.
wind wasn't too cold.

i went for my early 9am studio thinking that we were gonna learn the HARDER part of adobe premiere.
turns out... they only taught what i already know.
i left early after getting my assignment back.

i headed towards glenelg.
needed some down time.
some time for reflection.
the tram was packed!
as usual around this time of the year... kids going to the beach with their surf boards and whatnot.

i thought i deserved to cuci mata today.
and there was this really gud lookin guy.
probably a boy still.
budak2 omputeh kan smue nmpk tua than they actually are.
tapi tgk je la. xde lebih2. haha.

when i arrived at glenelg... it was such a wonderful view.
the ocean was so blue.
the beach was also packed.
but it was fun to watch them enjoying their time.
but sedih nye... our exams are close by
so people are just worrying about assignments and studying for those exms for now.
kan best kalau bleh pegi ramai2.

my camera's battery went dead.
so i headed home about half an hour later.
had lunch with laila at knoodle.
i had to walk through rundle mall to get there...
and lemme tell ya.. rase menyesal gile x charge bateri camera.
everything was so full of happiness and joy.

the RSPCA was there.
they set up a tent and everything.
so throughout the whole of rundle mall were people with donation tins and an animal by their side.
mostly dogs.
but there was one rabbit!!!
the one that caught my attention (and others' too) the most was one of those... snow wolf!!
like.. half wolf half dog.
it was HUGE!!!
so putih!!! and grey...
felt like i wanted to pet him.
tapi x boleh. :(

kesimpulan nye...
today was a great day.
just not for me.

<3 suryani

Sunday, October 5, 2008

pen gel (language understood by few)

everything's been so hectic lately.
so update since the last time i blogged:

1. i sent in my assignment on time... although it wasnt the best... and i didn't get enough sleep....
i had about.. 2 hrs of sleep before going to work that night.

2. the next day i didnt get much sleep either... since i had to start cooking for the first day of raya.
it was a joined open house by PetSA and the other villagers...
i went to harbortown to get me some new stuff for raya...
ended up buying new shoes, 2 pairs of tights, perfume.. and a large pan for cooking the rendang.
started cooking after buka puasa.
i must admit... at first i like the idea of having a combined open house...
but realizing that there was so much work that was given to us...
agak menyesal la... finished cooking about 3 or 4 something in the morning...
and slept for a few hours... knowing that it'd be difficult for me to wake up to prepare for the open house itself.
so yea.. i was woken up about 15 mins before ppl came...
so i went down late.
i didnt wash my hair.
yes. kantoi. so after 1 something afterwards i went back to take a NICE, LONG shower..
to prepare for other open houses that we went to.

3. the other days weren't better.
the next day i had to wake up early to go shopping for groceries for the other open house... made by MASCA SA and UMNO SA...
then i was forced to go to an open house that i didn't really have the energy to go to..
had to drop off a few barang at the rosepark house before that.
later that night.. went back to that house to do the preparation.
slicing the onions, blending the dried chillies, goreng kacang2...etc.
got home at 1 if i'm not mistaken. in the morning.
then had to make the cornflake cookies that i was in charge of.
my fault for starting late...
but pardon me if i thought we had to buy the ingredients together...
wrapped that up about 4.30am...

4. the next day got the most sleep i've ever had. woke up kinda late... with still not enough sleep.
at around 7pm had to be at bradford lodge to start the cooking.
was kind of late.
so was everyone else.
had dinner with the acting high commissioner..
then started cooking about 10 something?
wrapped that up about 5 something in the morning.
i fell asleep for an hour after i finished my roti jala
my sleeping bag was really comfy.
then when i woke up .. we just got ready to leave.

5. slept for not enough hours still.
had to be at bradford by 10am.
had some cutting to do.
others were late.
so were we.
but who wouldn't be with a gap in between for a rest?
then left for the venue...with 2 trips.
lemme just say this...
SOMEONE ade kereta... tapi x guna.
hmmm... could it be maybe that they could've saved the several trips back to bradford?...
but nevermind that since it's the past.

6. the MASCA/UMNO open house was a great success.
food disappeared fast.
thanks for everyone that came.. and everyone who made it a success..
even more thanks to the people who was HEAD of the organization.
worth the experience i guess...
but i need my sleep.

7. had the "raya" picnic today at the botanical garden. or should i say yesterday?
forgot that daylight savings started.
so woke up an hour later than planned.
it was great fun.
photos will be up soon :)
thanks to everyone who came ...

8. cant get much sleep. will try to now... i dont know.. i just needed to update my blog.
have an assignment due on tuesday.
i feel like it's due tomorrow... cos i have work 2moro night which doesnt really allow me much time.

9. 33 more days.

<3 suryani