Tuesday, November 25, 2008

why me...?

im in ireland.
i have landed.
its about 12am here...

i had such a hectic day.
i hate...i repeat.. i HATE the frankfurt airport.
people aren't helpful at all.
no information desk.
and the screen displaying all the departure gates doesn't show the right info.
which allowed me to wound up waiting for the gate number to appear 45 mins before departure time.
when i finally went up to the security check person, they said it was in that area.
so when i go in, they say there's a gate all ready for my flight.
but why it didn't appear on the screen, i don't know.

i lost my ring...
i felt like i wanted to cry.
who the hell would want a ring that has an engraving of someone else's name on it?!
if it's a common name, sure.
but this.. ugh!!!!!!!!!!!
i took a picture of the stupid ugly bathroom that looks like a prison.
and in that picture was the last time i ever saw my ring.
my finger feels naked without it okay.
yea, it might sound a little wrong.
but i've gotten used to that ring.
it feels like i bring my B with me wherever i go, ya kno what i mean?

then, when i arrived at the dublin airport...
my bag didn't come out of the belt.
or whatever they call that thing where the bags come out of.
i was the only one left.. and that thing was spinning around...
and all i hear is the small buzz of the belt running...
i went to the aer lingus baggage service or whatever...
filled out a form and whatnot...
then while she was updating the information on her system,
a guy came along from farrrrrrrrr away from my original belt.. dragging my pink bag.
it looked awkward. the bag a little tilted to one side and not rolling so well on its wheels.
turned out... all the handles were broken.
meaning my name tag disappeared, leaving the bag with no name, just a number.
the thing that we pull the bag with was broken too...
and the wheels.. broken.
i felt relieved to have my bag.
but i felt so depressed at that time.
everything has gone wrong.
nothing had gone right.

nasib baik customs tak tahan my bag
it would've just added to my run of bad luck.

then now im at my sister's house...
where my laptop wouldn't connect to the internet.
it actually connected to the wireless connection that my sister has on...
but i can't seem to get onto the internet.
i have all the pictures of me and qystina in my laptop...
so i won't be updating any soon.
maybe i'll wait for my dad to get here in 2 weeks time
or pray that by some miracle my laptop will repair itself and have some pity on me.

this sucks big time.
the only thing that has probably went right is that ...
well.. i went to ana's house
where her boyfriend cooked for us.
really delicious nasi ayam
but that's pretty much it.
i wouldn't really call that luck.

let's just hope things take a turn for the better soon :(

<3 suryani

Sunday, November 23, 2008


so, i am in preparation to leave for ireland...
and haish...
susah hati betul!
my bag is approximately 25++ kg so far.
trying to take things out...
but i don't know what to take out..
most of the weight is food that my sister kirim!

i have yet to put in my last minute things.

aside from that,
im really hungry.
but i'm too nervous to eat.
nervous for my bag.
for customs.
oh.. why must ireland be so far away!~

oh well..
let's just hope that my bag will pass through without having to take anything out..
and hopefully they can check it in directly to ireland so that i don't have to fetch it and check it in again in frankfurt.

<3 suryani

Friday, November 21, 2008

i dreamed i was missing.

so, everyday's been raining now...
my uncle won't arrive from kelantan til saturday cos it's flooded there.
it's the monsoon season.
i remember back then when i used to ... play around in the ... dirty flood water.

so yesterday i finally went to the pavilion!!!!
yay for me!
it's such a great place!!!
best gile!!!
i wish i cud go everyday and make it my usual hang out spot.
i went to watch the movie Wayang yesterday...
i loveeee the seats in the pavilion!
i love the big space for ur legs!
the movie was okay.
wasn't that great.
my b and i made a little laugh out of a few things said.
and plus... the cinema wasn't that full.
so it felt comfortable.

then we went to watch Selamat Pagi Cinta today at time square.
right before i sent my b off to Kajang where his parents would pick him up to go to Johor.
mase ni la die nak cari keje.. nak gi jlan2 jumpe adik die... bile kite dah takde kat mesia nanti... time tu la die xde pape nak buat...
i liked the movie a little.
it wasn't that great...
the storyline moved a little too fast for me...
could've been better.
pierre andre, fazura, que haidar and that girl who played in sepet.
the one that sounds so gedik and a little menyampah when she talks.
then we went to Jalan Tar to buy a couple of things for my sister.
where i ran into my brother's girlfriend of 12 years.

shoutout: happy belated 12th anniversay on November 20, 2008 to my brother and his girlfriend!!!
really respect the both of u for hanging on for that long..
looking forward to what's planned for next year..
hint, hint!

kind of embarassing.
she was the one who saw me first.
i suppose she's gonna tell my brother soon..
and tell him who i was with..
habis la kene lecture pas ni...

then we went to kajang... and ate satay kajang at hj samsuri :)
although it took a little arguing between the two of us on how to get there from star hill...
we finally found the way.
my b.. he's terrible at directions!
even misunderstanding the signboards.
yes. misunderstand. not misread.
that means... the signboard says to take a certain road we must take left.
so when i take left... there's a little path off of to the right..
and he says i must take that.
so i take it...
turns out we just turned back to where we started.
a little annoyed in the beginning..
but once the road was found..
everything was alright.

on the way back home i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy.
not a little sleepy.
but a lot sleepy!!
the kind where i actually can't hold my eye lids open any longer!!
so i turned the music volume up to its highest
looking like a dork, i sang to the music too.
hahaha...and opened the window.
since the cold air from the air conditioning made my eyes pedih.
finally arriving home...thought i'd go to sleep.
turns out... i went to watch a movie on my laptop.
then my brother's girlfriend came over to give me his jacket and whatnot that i have to bring to ireland...

banyak gile barang okay!!!
i don't know how i can bring everything with me!!!!!!!!!!!
it's a winter jacket. so duh. it's very heavy.

byk sgt kene fikir utk pegi ireland ni okay.
dah la tgh fikir... nak transit.
first time transit kt frankfurt ni.

scared okay.
and nervous.

let's hope everything turns out for the better.

<3 suryani

Sunday, November 16, 2008

one big happy family

i just got back from my maklong's house...
and i tell ya...
it was such a wonderful feeling being in that house.

everything seemed so chaotic.
so kecoh
so... LIVELY.

there was maklong, paklong, kaklong ipah and her daughter, kakngah azura and her husband abg iskandar with their...4 kids (i think.. too many kids to count), abg odie and his wife kak ira with their... 3-4 children...
i came with pakcik harris and his wife makcik wi with their 3 children...
the main plan was to just go to pakcik harris' house at kg baru...
but then i got lost and whatnot...
so it took a while to get there...
when i finally got there... my uncle said they were leaving for maklong's house because abg odie and his wife were going for umrah tomorrow.
so feeling guilty... at first not wanting to go ...
i had to say yes... that i didn't mind..
so i went.

and i'm actually happy i did go.
it's been a long time since i've been in that kind of environment.
it kind of made me feel sad that i wasn't here for raya.
it was great.
so..noisy... kids running around everywhere..
my maklong being so kecoh...
talking non-stop...
radio without off button..
ade mee kari and they bought kfc's chicken barrel.
but too bad for me i was already full.
and sedih gile okay!
i didn't bring my camera!!!!!
i would've taken pictures!
keep the memories.
and... if i had time.. a book of cousin's children.

i was like.. counting the children.
trying to match the child to the parent.
had no idea when my cousin had this many children!
and to be honest... i don't think i matched the right kid to the right parent.
just three generations... dah ade byk camni...
and just from two of the eight siblings my mom has.
so imagine all of them together.

yea... that's basically all i wanted to say.
and going home, i didnt know that my maklong's house was so close to mine.
i'll definitely go back next year when i come back from ireland..
this time with my camera :)

<3 suryani

pour the sunshine.

well, it's the 16th of November...
and it's a special day for someone out thereeeeee....

HAPPY 20th BDAY KHAIRUNNISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mesti happy sgt2 kan?
well, i've already seen some of the pictures on laila's blog...
and it looked like you guys had a really fun time :)
wishing you all the best in life,
semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkn rezeki :)

apart from that,
i basically haven't been doing much lately.
just counting down the days til i go to ireland...
the dreaded oh-teen-hours-of-flight to get there....
so many things that my sisters kirim...

so yea,
what else ....
kl has been raining every late afternoon...
it's nice i guess..
but it seems to get more humid after it rains...
is that possibleeeeE?????

gotta go to my aunt's house right after i write up this blog.
malas nye nak pegi.... but it seems like it's a must-do while i'm here in malaysia.
til then~

<3 suryani

Thursday, November 13, 2008

make it count...

our ring:

*the most lebar smile that i can make*
it has a little engraving that says afani

something i miss the most since it closed in adelaide:

java chip frappucino~ slurrrrrpppp~

well, went to watch My Bestfriend's Girl in the cinemas at noon on wednesday...
realllllyyyyy miss midvalley!
i had sizzling chicken mushroom yee mee with egg at the food court...
FORTUNATELY for all of you reading this in adelaide... i did NOT take a picture of it. hahaha...
later that night i cooked ayam paprik....
my kitchen isn't as fun to cook in compared to the kitchen at the village. lol

my B left for his home today...
drove him to puduraya and lepak kejap for an hour....
the drive back home was TIRING
one of the downside of driving in msia: the traffic. awful. just awful

lemme just leave this blog with a new picture.

<3 suryani

Monday, November 10, 2008

the romantic and the mishaps.

and it's monday ! :)
what does that mean, you may ask?
it means i've been here for almost 2 days :p

yesterday we celebrate our first yr anniversary..
and to my surprise.. he gave me a ring!
with our combined name (a name developed from our names combined) inscribed on it ;)
he got one too... just mine's a little big.. so i might wear it as a necklace :D
and he brought me to secret recipe.
at first i didnt realize he wanted to go to secret recipe to celebrate it...
i thought he was just craving for the food there.
but later on.. he actually said.. it's our anniversary.. he wanted it to be special ;)

then later i went to my aunt's house..
where.. coincidentally.. it was her bday!!!
i bought her a cake... and a gift from aussie..
she was very the terharu one...
then her daughter told me they were making a surprise bday party at NILAI!
i told her i wasnt joining..
but i dont know what happened...
suddenly i became part of the plan to get to the venue...
dah la my hair serabai and nmpk serabut gile from kene hujan..and SWEATING!!!
msia TOO hot okay!
i got a nosebleed just because of the hot weather!!
dah lame x dapat nosebleed..
i dont even know if i've ever gotten one...
*scratching chin*

so yea.. went to dinner..
byk gile makanan...
and after eating at secret recipe.. i was kinda fulL!
so couldn't take in much...
then we went to a funfair..
which i again.. got stuck into going...
i donno how...
tak naik any rides pon.... then sent a few of them home in my car...
and balek.
and... nasib baik... dkat ngn rumah makcik jee...
kete masuk longkang!!!
huhuhu.. GILE LAH!
i tried to do my awesome u-turn without a reverse...
unfortunately... i did not see the gutter there.
nasib baik tayar dpn belah kanan je yg masuk!!!
and nasib baik
my cousin's bf was outside and came to my rescue!!
malu gile okay!!!
but oh well...

on the way back...
tried getting myself used to driving faster...
after having to go at a limit of 60km/hr in aussie..
it was a blast...
but.. i was kinda on the edge of losing control of the car?
masuk lubang tu .. masuk lubang ni..
tak tengok jalan... masuk lane orang lain
nasib baik x byk kete...

well, those are the mishaps of my day today people.
and the oh-so-romantic-day i've ever had :)
now im home..really tired.
going to sleep!

<3 suryani

Sunday, November 9, 2008

home sweet home :)

yay. i've finally arrived in malaysia!!

thanks pojik,laila, khai, hazerq, mariah n ira for seeing me off :)

well, checking in... i couldn't get an aisle seat nor a window seat...
something wrong with the system...
so the lady told me to go to this other counter...
i guess the other counter had a lady called Leah.. which was probably the manager ke apetah...
so sombong ok!!!!
they were busy putting in a bunch of chinese people who couldn't speak english into the system..
and i was just waiting there for them to ask me or at least to say "hold on a moment..."
but that Leah didn't even take a glance at me..
and said to this other lady..."i don't even know what they're here for..."
anyway.. i got an aisle seat...but allll the way in the back!!~
the actual last row.
but that whole row was empty.
then they had me move to the row infront of me which was also empty.

i ate their beef rendang.
i ate the snack they gave...which was like.. a chicken caesar sandwich..
lame observe sandwich tu ... nak tgk camne dorang buat.. so boleh buat sendiri!
then the one time i went to the bathroom...
when i came back... something was happening in the row behind me.
the air host was holding a chinese guy lying down.
i didn't understand at first...
but at last i found out that he was actually having mental problems.
he becomes violent at times... that's why people had to hold him down..
takot seyhhh.... i was just right infront of him.

my bag came out early!
it was like.. the 5th bag to come out?
best gile!
went to change some money...
and met up with this lady...
might've been a really long time since she's been to the airport.
she didn't know how to take the carts out frm the stack...
she didn't know how to look for ur carousel number...which was shown on the tv.
she was like.. "what technologyyyy"... hahaha...

went to eat kfc.
but i wasn't hungry!!! so i ate the coleslaw... and drank milo ais.
but this is for laila:

then took the klia express.
but.. before that...
i got this:

my first rose ever!!! :D
thank u b :)
(no thanks to ruining the moment.. sheesh)
now i'm just home.. settling down.

will update more.

til then...

toodles :)

<3 suryani

Saturday, November 8, 2008

the day has come!

so, the day has finally come.
i'm finally leaving for msia tomorrow!!!
or should i say... today :D
it's already 3.09am...
i've just finished packing my stuff...
excluding the last minute stuff... toiletries and such.
lets hope it stays under 25kg.

handed in my black book for cultures, histories and the designed environment class yesterday.
had to submit it into the early submission box.
but ... right after that... i realized that i forgot to put pictures of my assignments..
of my models.
i hope i pass.

then went to do a little bit of shopping.
and .. omg!
so sad :(
the one thing that i bought for my bf for our anniversary..
cant arrive on time :(
so i asked laila to send it to me once it gets here...

but apart from that...
all's good.
was in the middle of packing til acis buzzed me on yahoo messenger.
ajak kuar gi mkn la plak kan...
i'm telling u... this guy does not worry one bit about his exams..
or.. if he does.. he sure doesn't show it!
we eventually decided to go to hungry jacks, along with din and laila.
ramai gile! packed gile hungry jacks!
i mean.. yea.. it's a friday night.. but what are ppl doing at hungry jacks?!!!

well, when i got home i re-packed.
took everything out and put it back in...
was trying to figure out what was NOT necessary.
eventually took out.. ONE piece of clothing.
they should make bigger bags...
and a heavier limit for bag weights.

just finishing off with checking around my room.. that's still so messy.
til 2moro.
will update with YUMMY food pictures :D

i wanna say good luck to everyone sitting for exams starting 2moro :)
particularly my housemates~
dont sweat it...
i'm sure u'll do fine ;)
see you all in msia :)

<3 suryani

Saturday, November 1, 2008

the little voice in my head.

actually. it's not all in my head.
and it's not so little.
very high-pitched. kinda like shrieking.
sitting next to me. on my left. at this very moment.


:( im trying to start my assignment.
i said i'll start my essay at 11.
supposedly laila heard me say 12.
now im trying to start.
but she keeps on telling me 12!!!!

a friend in need, is a friend in deed. muahahaha.

so ... i would like to half thank laila.. and half cekik laila.

<3 suryani

happy days.

watching The Swan Princess 1994 Disney Animated Movie
don't laugh.
it's a classic. prince derrick is my husband okay.

i've been meaning to update my blog.
but i've been so busy with assignments lately.
i'm done with my digital media's final assignment; the animation, the cd label, and the dvd covers with insert.
now i'm just trying to finish up my digital composition for my Cultures, Histories, and Designed Environment subject... start my 1000-word essay and finish that by tonight (with help from a little miracle possibly?) , and build my physical model tomorrow hopefully.

but now i just need to start off my "hard-working night" with a little push from one of my favorite animated movie.
i've been going to uni everyday for a week now.
i even stayed til 5am last nite.
thanks to laila for being able to teman me.
kalau tidak, tak pegi kot uni.

anyway, wanted to post this up:
the other day, laila and i were chillin in the kitchen...
and i was telling this story about my dad...and his random question.
then laila suddenly wanted to sing the "selamat pengantin baru" song...
u know.. selamat.. pengantin baru... semoga.. ke anak cucu.. bahagia...
or something like that.
it's a classic song for a wedding.
BUTTTT!!! one thing... yang kelakar gileeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
she sang it to the tune of a raya song.
the song that goes something like this:
selamat hari raya.. kepada saudara serta saudari. and so on.
LAWAK gile okay! i wish we could play it out again and record it to put it into this blog so you'd understand better...but sadly i didn't know that was coming. haha

okay. enough with this.
tadi... ada this bangla guy yg nak "ngorat" kitorg. supposedly, he made a bet with his other bangla friend that we were malaysians.
his friend thought we were indonesians.
then he just kept on asking what we were doing here, who we stayed with and all that stuff.
he walked next to laila... so i decided to let laila handle this.
and... let me tell you... while i was silent on the side...
i wanted to laugh my head off listening to laila laughing at what the guy was saying.
it actually sounded like she was into everything he said.
LMAO!!! funneeeeehhhhh, okay~
and yes, laila and i are now sisters. ahahaha

umm.. besides that...

i cannot wait!
i'm so psyched!!!!

til then, readers,
i have to just get my assignment submissions on monday,
and have my presentation done on tuesday,
and everything is OVER for me...


<3 suryani