Wednesday, December 16, 2009

they know no shame.

i knew it was slowly fading away.
but i thought it would get brighter.
now, apparently as i have just learned, it's gone.

maybe it's just how i feel now.
but if you ask me at this very moment...
it was all for nothing.
you know that feeling that when you've done something for the better but someone else sees it as something beneath scuM?

i hope my remaining time here in Adelaide will be able to cheer me up.
i know it has for the past couple of weeks.
so, yay! :D

smile, me.

<3 suryani

Monday, December 14, 2009

even better.

it's not like i'm gonna sit around sulking.

i went to my very first raking trip :D
and it will teach me to buy rubber water shoes for the next one since i was the very first person to get snapped by a crab!
so, raking for crabs is when we go knee deep into the water and scoop the crabs up with specially made rakes.
we had to walk a good long way to the water since the beach is the kind of beach meant for raking.. the water is just really shallow even during high tide.
at first i just didn't understand on how well they were able to see the crabs!
but in the end i was such a pro...
haha but the only reason i was so concentrated was because i was afraid of getting snapped again.
the friggin crab that snapped me was hiding in the sand, on the trail that we were on!
so of course i did not see it!
but it was all good in the end.. cos we ended up with AT THE VERY LEAST 150 crabs.
which we later cooked that night for dinner...
oven baked with cheese, fried, and chilli!

i also went on my first fishing trip with the guys.
it was just a spur of the moment decision...
i caught my first fish!! haha... bestnye! ;p

but all in all,
i can't seem to stop having fun around them.
i think i'm in good hands for the next 2 weeks :D

<3 suryani

Sunday, December 6, 2009

of great friends and road trips

so as posted previously,
i went on a road trip with a bunch of friends~
we headed to Wallaroo for an overnight trip...
us girls got the most "modern" cabin? PHEW!
did some fishing, crabbing, and squidding...
the squidding was a little depressing since the people doing the same thing standing a few feet away from us were showered with squids after practically every second!
and us... well... let's just say.. i helped catch one squid! yay!

i had a lot of fun.
that night the moon was HUGE!
couldn't catch it in picture.. but lawa gile!
i was becoming really sleepy trying to catch a squid...
so laila and i headed back to the cabins for some sleep :D

the next day was just as much fun...
as we headed to Moonta Bay for the clear waters!
did some fishing and squidding.
and some photo sessions on the beach!
the massive amount of fish, crabs, and squids we caught were cooked for dinner at Kirby later that night :D

next day we headed for some fruit picking!
the strawberries were the best i've seen em!
and the first time i went cherry picking!
the view was magnifique!

all in all,
i had so much fun...
possibly the best road trip so far~
and i couldn't have done it without these group of wonderful friends.
can't wait for the next road trip with them!~

<3 suryani

Saturday, December 5, 2009

the rush~

i've been busy the past few days with fun-filled activities!
only yesterday did i realize my results are finally in!
twas a good thing that my course mate happened to buzz me asking how i did..
i've been checking before i got busy.. but nothing was there!

am a little disappointed with one of my subjects,
but nevertheless, i am thankful!
my average, the way i count it lah, was at first incorrect.
i will have to remind myself to not use the Omnia's calculator anymore cos it gives me incorrect calculations!
but after calculating it again, it's good :D
i'm hoping to do better in masters next year :D

so yes, i am finally a graduate!
wooT wooT!

i am only leaving you with this picture of my cutie pies!
next post will consist of a bunch of pictures from my past few days of awesome trips with a bunch of really great friends.
once i get the photos compiled lah

<3 suryani

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

i need the rush~

my room is finally a little more spacious.
just did another round of laundry so i'll have some clean clothes to take for our trip coming up.
although, a few more rounds of laundry might, all in all, allow me to organize my room a little better.
have just put up the extra wardrobe, so come see all our clothes on show. hahaha.

the new house is doing wonders for me.
i don't have to walk all the way to the back of the village and all the way on the 4th floor to get to my room.
the living and dining might need a little sprucing up, but of course that will all be done next year.
can't wait to go find some new stuff at the Penang market :D
maybe a little sight seeing here and there cos i didn't really spend as much time as i would have last time i went.

i can't wait for the clear, blue ocean...
can't wait for everything once i get back to malaysia ;p

and one i'm most excited about is the d90! :D

<3 suryani

Sunday, November 29, 2009

they're tumbling down

i've been so busy lately...
with work... and then the futsal tournament, the first event for MASCA 09/10 commmittee...
i had a little less than 3 hours of sleep last night cos the cooking had to start really early.
so i was pretty sleepy at the end of it...
but we still had time to go to a kenduri afterwards.

watched a couple of films with laila when i got back.
and was looking at a photo of which my brother had recently replied my comment confirming that it is truly my cat, Comel...
the once fat and ever so clean Comel...
that now looks like a cat that i hardly recognize!
dirty, thin, frail, and looked like was in a lot of pain.
i was furious yet felt like it was our fault for leaving them for so long.
for one thing, when you're taking care of someone else's property/pet/things...
you should be so careful in making sure that when we come back everything is being maintained.
but this???
this was just awful.
i called my dad straight away and his reply just made me want to burst into tears.
knowing that would just make him malas to layan me... i held it in.
my brother and father just do not understand the importance of these cats.
their family has been with us for generations, since their mother, as a matter of fact.
Bobo and Comel have been ours since ... a little before 2004?
they're really old now..
we took care of their mother... their kids.. which eventually died one by one...
and they've stayed with us for longer than we could imagine!

sorry for going on for too long about this...
but i just cannot wait to go back to KL and bring them to the vet and just give them some TLC!

on a brighter note:
this was the Strawberry & Chocolate Crepe i had a few nights ago when laila and i were just out to be fashionably social in the Adelaide night life ;p

it was wonderful and so delicioso!!!

<3 suryani

Friday, November 27, 2009

slow it down

so.. the move is over.
my room has yet to be cleaned up.
with time, i figure i'll be able to find a way to make it work.

sleep is already a plus here.
no direct sunlight... even when ur blinds are closed!
and so quiet... not having to wake up to annoying laughs and people cooking in the middle of the night.
i can honestly tell you that i have my pros and cons list for being in this new home compared to the old one.
i'm not sure which side is winning...
once i figure that out, maybe i'll even tell you.

got plans coming up :D
can't wait for them to finally start running...
... i'm starting to think that december won't be so bad :)

okay, because i have nothing more to say,
and i feel super drowsy,
i will leave it at that.

good nite! :D

<3 suryani

Monday, November 23, 2009

it's in the a b c of growing up.

people come and go in your life right?
well, more in mine, i guess.
so it's something that i've learned to live with.
i'm someone who appreciates every friendship i encounter...
but i know my limits...
when it should stop, or when it has to be stopped, when it's deserved or not.
in this case.. it's not really stopping... more like moving on to the next phase.
but of course, jumpe lagi kt msia right? :D

so many of my friends are leaving this year...
Adelaide's just gonna become more boring next year.
and here i was thinking Adelaide cudnt get worse. but nevermind that i guess.
we'll always keep in touch and have pictures for memories, yes?

last week I went for a dinner with the 08/09 MASCA committee members.
i had one of the best dinners since i've been here.
it was fun to get together again like we used to.
and for the last time, i guess, cos most of us are leaving for good.
most of the pictures are with a friend of mine,
but i snapped pictures of my food! haha!~

the pancake was soooo soft and .... puffy?
yum yum!~
and the salad was soooo fresh, i actually ate it!! hahaha..

and then we had a photo session afterwards.
and hung around in the arcade.

can't wait for more activities next week :D

<3 suryani

Friday, November 13, 2009

there's a place i go

hello :)
i just finished watching one of the many series that i follow now that i have nothing to do -_-!
so now i am bored out of my mind.
there's NADA for me to do!
except maybe get a head start on cleaning up my room before the inspection... but too lazy. hahaha

i've finally bought that dress that i desperately longed for.
it cost me quite a sum... but i'm just trying to think the positive things this dress will bring me! hahaha.
thanks to my wonderful PA, i did not go on to other stores to splurge some more on accessories :D
but that doesn't mean i won't go again before i leave for holidays :P

today was TWLOHA day :)
i tried to look around for those who were participating.
didn't see anyone.
i wished there was a wrist band!
so, here is my fair share on this lovelaaayyyy day:

<3 suryani

Monday, November 9, 2009

til the end of time.

and the time we've been anxiously waiting for...

it's the 9th of November, 2009.
exactly 2 years ago, our love story bloomed :)
him, 4 hours late...
me, having done my fair share of window shopping, waiting.. almost getting impatient.

2 years later.
he still can't be trusted to arrive on time...
me? i've just fixed my timing so i'll be there approximately 2.5 hrs after the time he promised.
give and take la kan? haha. i dont know if that even has anything to do with it!

but nevermind all the CONS!
the most important thing: we've made it through to this time, this year, this very moment...
and hoping to make it through to the same time every year... til as long as we're fated to be together?
we balance each other out,
he's patient, i know the limits, he's understanding, i look out for our future.

i love u,
more and more after everytime you put up with my nonsense and negativity for every small matter.

<3 suryani

Sunday, November 8, 2009

tugging whispers

it feels so good to remember the good old days.
i've been reminiscing the past with one of my best friends.
i think i've mentioned him before, Leandro.
it's amazing how much he remembers, even people's last names!
but unfortunately we couldn't find everyone else on the internet.

can't wait for next trip to new york.

sometimes i wonder what the path would've been like if i had stayed in new york.

and my sister just called me.
it's about 2++am in Dublin right now..
she wasn't feeling well and she wanted to tell me what was bothering her.
she was just her usual manja-self... and i donno.. she's started talking to me about her feelings and everything recently.
this time i felt that i shouldn't be mean to her. haha.
even though when i talked about me, she started saying "okay yanie.. let's go back to about me.. not you"..haih. self-centered betul!

i'm glad she still remembers me in this desperate time of need.
she knows she can count on me, even though we fight like it's wwIII.

<3 suryani

Thursday, November 5, 2009


who's genius work was this?? :

can't wait for next trip to Dublin :)
if anyone wants to join me... :D

<3 suryani

Sunday, November 1, 2009

don't surrender.

i am someone who knows what i want and will stand up for it.
other people might feel intimidated, but that isn't my fault.
that's just the way it is.

the last few days have been quite a handful for me.
unexpected emotional rollercoaster...
which i don't know where it came from!
but in the end, i held myself together..

i had my last class last wednesday,
last submission and everything.
ive just found out that what we have in store for next year's off-shore studio!
it's similar to the Penang Studio i went on...
only this one is a little further away.
every fourth year.. we have the opportunity to choose an elective that is based off-shore.
this year.. it's in the freakin Nordic countries!
we start off in Helsinki, Finland... move on to Sweden... and finish up in Copenhagen, Denmark!
i honestly can say that i'm excited for this...
til i saw how much it would cost me.
damn the economY!
or else it would be much easier for me be able to find the moolah!

that will be on top of my list for next year!
including, of course, my awaiting Nikon D90!!
i'm so excited! i just can't hide it!
first thing i get to Malaysia next year is to get my sweet, sweet camera!
an accomplishment for me i would say, to be able to save up money like that.

rather than sitting in my comfortably cold room in the middle of summer..
i would go snap photos of beautiful things.
but then again... the weather IS extremely hot here.
beats malaysia!
thankfully i live in the village...
unlimited airconditioning!~

i just thought i'd update the blog with something.
and i'll leave it with these pictures:

these were taken during Qys' bday and a few random ones :)

<3 suryani

Sunday, October 25, 2009

good night :)

so, my plan to go to uni and stay at the plaza lab for a whole hour did not turn out as planned.
i had 3 hours of sleep.
yesterday i spent from noon to the morning the next day celebrating Sarah and Naz's bday!
i cooked my chicken rice :)
later after we finished celebrating Naz's bday, we went back to the Kirby to watch Paranormal Activity!
gahhh!! i was just so excited to watch that movie.. but while watching.. i kind of regretted it.
but of course i couldn't stop watching it since i wanna know what happens!
seriously, anyone who wants to watch it, pls watch it in the cinemas or anywhere with A LOT of people.
even 2 people will not be enough.
and make sure you don't have anything planned the next day if you watch it at night (which is the best time to watch a horror movie of course)
cos you'll want to sleep overnight at someone's house.
hahaha... that didn't work so well with me cos i had plans early morning the next day.
it took a while for the movie to get going so we finished kind of late.
after my meeting the next day, i just went straight home and got some more sleep! :D

get the load off of Laila's pregnant belly! hahaha!
i can honestly say it was a fun nite.
totally worth sitting in the cold wind for hours on!
even though i was downright sleepy when we arrived back at the Kirby,
but for the movie, i'll stay up anytime cos i know i don't want to watch it alone.

<3 suryani