Monday, March 30, 2009

say goodbye to one more day.

so.. scratch the last post...
i'm not gonna go through opening it, and deleting it.
but basically i wanted to update the blog...
so i just posted whatever crap was on my mind.

so, i'm a little happy today...
i got me a lava lamp!!!
one that i've always wanted... and it's pink!!
yes, bonus :)
i had lunch with the usuals, then we headed over to harris scarfe aka khai's second home.
i wanted to buy everything.

if y'all read what was in the previous blog,
you would know that earlier today i submitted my first assignment for my elective.
but it's actually the 2nd assignment.. but the first that we hand in..
hmm.. i'm not so sure i understood what i typed there.. but if u do, it's all good.
so i was heeellllaaaa tired from staying up and actually reading articles.
one of those moments where i basically think too much...
but the upside is that i sent it way earlier than it was due...
by that, i mean about 3-4 hours earlier? which means there were others who submitted later than i did.
i nearly shat a brick trying to figure out what the assignment was really trying to say.
everytime i read it i'd get a new perspective and think that i've done something wrong.
so the solution? i just went to sleep. :D

so that's it for today.
ooo.. i saw Mr. Townhouse 20 today :D
of course Laila made it a little obvious.
tapi xpelah.. it's time we met.
hahahaha. kan laila, kan?
mine, mine, mine!

<3 suryani

leave this blank.

i'm only typing this up at 5.07am because i have just finished submitting my assignment online.
i started at about 5pm?
and i'm so glad it's over.
i'm glad that i don't have to go to uni to submit it to the front office.
i'm glad that i don't have class tomorrow so i can sleep all day long.

actually... i'm gonna have to wake up to meet up with Khai and Pojik, and possibly Laila for lunch.
then i have to renew the road tax for the car.
then i'm gonna treat myself to the candy store at Glenelg.
the one that i've been wanting to go into for so long... but i'm not sure what kept me.
until my friends went there a couple of days ago and found all these things that i've been longing for.
i'm still looking for twizzlers.
let's hope for it!
i don't want the Willy Wonka kind...

anyway, sorry for the lack of update.
hmmm...i seem to be saying that a lot... but lately i just don't have the urge to update anymore.
it's like.. i don't think anything that's happened is THAT interesting to talk about...
and sometimes i just don't have the time to update.
i've been busy lately... just enjoying my time since i was kind of left out last year cos i had to work.

friday night: watched Friday the 13th at Marion with everyone else.
it was good.
it's the 2nd time i watched the movies here in Adelaide.
even though we were all rushing, and i was dead tired from just coming home, then eating for a short while at Pojik's house, then having to cut up the onions for the BBQ's preparation.
then i went home.. got ready in about 10 minutes?
and left for Marion... driving at a speed of 60km/h.
we actually made it on time... right on time. the commercials just ended when we came in.

the BBQ was alright...
i didn't have the freedom i wanted to hang out with my friends...
except for that just one moment at the very end before they left...
but i guess that's the downside to being in the committee.
which i'm glad Mariah is in too cos then i don't feel so lonely.
(oh by the way... Mariah and I cut up onions in like.. less than an hour... more than 5kg of onions... just to rush to make it to the movies. how great are we? :p)

mmm.. yesterday we went to the Indian Festival where they basically took all our money, no questions asked.
aud7 entrance.
and aud10 worth of Masala Dosai.. potato and whatnot wrapped with something thin.
then i watched a Hrithik Roshan wannabe.
reminded me of that guy at Townhouse 20.
yes, Laila... I saw him first!
i wanted to get Henna tattoo.. but they were making too much money, they got tired and wanted to go home an hour before the event is supposed to end.
so the rest of the time we just sat or walked around camwhoring.
when we got home, we watched a really scared-the-shit-out-of-khai movie.
where i slept 10 minutes into the movie.
and i'm happy to have slept through it so that i wouldn't have nightmares.

and today?
i just had dinner at Pojik's house, where Hazerq cooked paprik chicken...
and then we basically left right after that to continue doing our assignments.
i'm so tired.
i didn't even get to join on the trip to the Kite Festival.
oh well, there's always next year.

<3 suryani

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

of hidden truths.

sorry for the lack of update.
i can't really say that i've been that busy lately...
cos i've been going home early from classes...
or maybe skipping one or two of them...hehehe

it's only the fourth week of Uni and i'm already so tired and lazy.
how can this be lahhhhhhhhh????

well, what's changed since last time i updated?

(1) i've paid for my airfare for the Penang Studio trip ...
(2) i've decided on taking the Samsung Omnia for my next plan :D
(3) paid off two installments of The Village ...
(4) bought the clothes rack ... but have yet to put it together
(5) finished designing the poster for the MASCA bbq this saturday.

of course this doesn't seem like much.
but at least it's better than nothing...
i'm just really slacking off this semester... and i think i should be more scared.
i'm currently trying to find a job...

hmm.. maybe i'll take the opportunity now to advertise to the very little amount of people reading this blog that if you or anyone you know want to design a poster, or a website, or a logo... or anything in the designing business, please don't hesitate to contact me here... and i can give you the quotation for what you're looking for :)... with the best price of course..

i can't wait for the easter break...
or something that i still seem to think as my spring break.
although now it seems that it should be moving on to winter soon.
i wanna go somewhere... on a road trip maybe.
it's my third year and i would like to admit to myself that it's a little sad.. or maybe A LOT sad that i haven't been anywhere else outside of Adelaide.

i am currently in Laila's room...
the main idea was to keep her company so she can do her tutorial and i can try to start with my essay that's due next week.
the essay that i haven't done any research on.
but the idea seems to have drifted away ...

hmm.. i have no idea what else i should update on.
well, today laila and i met up with our not-really-at-home housemate nasha.
we had fun just catching up. and played SingStar!!!
omgggggggggggggg... it was just hilarious!!!
must find some more albums! :D

mmmm.. oh. yes. my b and i are doing just fine :)
as you can see from the new addition from DaisyPath... we're on our way to hitting that two year mark :D
i can't wait ... :D
and since i'm going to Penang in July.. i'm hoping that we're able to have some time off so that he can come and visit me :D

well... hmm.. apart from that... here's what i can leave you with:

acu misses both of you. mwahhhHssss!!

<3 suryani

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

lighter than yesterday.

today i completed so many things that i've been meaning to do but have been procrastinating.
oh, if you didn't know... i am one of the many queens of procrastination :)

achievements for today:

(1) paying off my tuition fee for this semester,
(2) buying the book i needed for my elective Natural and Landscape Systems.. actually i don't really NEED it but the lecturer said it would help and i need all the help i can get,
(3) calling Optus Customer Service to find out more information about my plan expiry and my billings,
(4) talked to Velice Hazelwood the head of the School (i think) about the Penang Studio next semester,
(5) e-mailed my lecturer from last year to find out when I can once and for all pick up my final assignment and model from last year that i asked him to keep safe til i get back to Adelaide,
(6) e-mailed my lecturer for Natural and Landscape Systems to change my tutorial class,
(7) went to the 3 Store to see which plan i might want to go into once i finish my plan with Optus,
(8) and finally, get something (even though it was just a little bit) done for the next assignment due in Design for Sustainable Community ... from the field trip that I had just come back from.

now, i had trouble picking out which phone i wanted...
so many to choose from, but since Ellen was there she kinda helped me narrow it down.
i come to these final ones:

this one is Samsung Omnia... has 3.2 mp camera and an 8gb memory card... touch screen...

...whereas this one is Nokia E71 and is more similar to a blackberry, has a 2.0 mp camera, only 2gb free memory, and a built-in GPS.

i would rather take the Samsung Omnia because it has the 3.2 mp camera.
i use the phone camera often... and the 8gb memory card would really help.
but then the Nokia E71 has a built-in GPS... and has keypad like a blackberry!
i wanted to take the blackberry at first, but the camera was only 2.0 mp!
so maybe i'll end up with the Samsung Omnia.
other choices also included LG Renoir, Blackberry Bold or something like that, and another samsung that has a color choice of PINK!
hmmm... very tempting la that pink one!!!

anyway, here are pictures that i got from Ellen earlier today of the trip to Kimba:

me waiting for the bus after the ferry. ellen and i. me with the HUMONGOUS silos. our hotel. me taking the photo opportunity to sit down on the long, empty road before the huge trucks run me over. and the halfway across australia sign.

ellen and i on the ferry on the way back. and me with the Big Galah.. supposedly the main tourist attraction there.

among the many long, endless.. and empty roads that we had to survey.

the very sad entrance to the museum. which is gonna be my individual project. to design a new entrance.

and the flag on the ferry. and the beach where we waited for the ferry to take us back home...

that's all for today :)

<3 suryani

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

and once again it's safe to breathe.

oh joy.
i'm back from 5 days of no cell phone reception and no internet.
had to do some kind of survey and analysis thing in a very very small town "halfway across australia".
no. seriously. it's famous for being halfway across australia. there's even a signboard for it.
i'll put em up once i get the pictures from Ellen.

my face is a little darker than it was when i left Adelaide.
and my cheeks burn when i put lotion on my face.
but feet are darker with tan lines from my flip flops.
my hands up to my wrist are darker than the rest of my arms cos i wore long sleeved tops everyday.

the town's called Kimba.
it's what you would expect from a small town.
everyone knows everyone else.
u can walk around the town, no need for transportation.
only one street is lit brightly at night.. actually i can't say it's a street.
i'd say more of a corner of a street.
it's where the hotel we stayed in was located.
in the day time u could hardly see anyone walking the streets.
even though the population's about 600-700 in town and 1200 overall including farmers.
who ever's in the district council works in some other shops in the town as well.
besides work, sports is the only thing that's significant to them.
every weekend there's something happening with sports.. cricket... tennis... i don't know what else.
but the cricket game... i don't know. i think there might have been more people in the field than in the audience.
audience consisted of about 10 people.

Ellen and I worked on one part of the town.
the part that was biggest and empty in terms of buildings.
but sooooo many trees.
so many gum trees of every kind!
and the most tiring part was marking down every one's location and identifying the species. -_-!
we only got about 4 questionnaires filled in total between the two of us.
but we managed to attract about 3 crazy people.
literally crazy.
i doubt many malaysians pass through the place.
but this one crazy guy suddenly stopped to ask us who we were and was amazed at how many foreigners there were in the town.
he asked where i was from... and i said malaysia. and he seemed so happy cos he said he knew i was from malaysia.
he must be psychic.
or must've been to malaysia sometime long long long longggggggggg ago.

after all the tutorial groups met up again to head back to Adelaide...
i kind of got a little upset at the fact that every other group besides ours had a great time with each other.
hung out together and communicated with everyone in the group.
as for us... very separated.
maybe cos we seemed like the low self-esteem asian group of 3 girls.
i felt bad... a little embarassed.
wanted to make an effort to talk to some of them...
but it was difficult when none of them would really be easy to approach.
when we do talk it's like.. there's an elephant in the room and nobody wants to mention it.
but hoping for better time in Penang this winter!!

winter australian time that is.
and yes! I GET TO GO TO PENANG !!!!!!!!!!!
not for holidays... but it won't hurt to enjoy a trip back home :D
but for class.
it's actually a subject.
not entirely sure of what we'll be doing in Penang...
but designing is all that i know.
for 6 weeks if i'm not mistaken.
and the best part.. when i told my dad that i had made the decision to go...
he didn't say like.. "NO!" or... "where to get the money lahhhhh"
or maybe he thought same thing as me. it's a great opportunity.
or maybe he simply thought that i couldn't back out of the offer.
hahahaha. maybe he thought that my name was already set to be the next one in.

so yeah, i'm happy to be back in Adelaide.
although it's a little boring cos class was cancelled today and still didn't get enough sleep.
i ate rice today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one thing that we couldn't get much of in Kimba.
i can go without rice.. but the fact that Ellen mentioned how much she missed rice to me...
i started thinking about rice too -_-!!

one more thing:
i kinda feel weird. sort of nervous and scared at the same time.
to continue this week.
i feel that everyday i wake up i have to do what i did in Kimba.
go out on the streets, in the blazing hot sun, do the surveys and ... have no one to talk to but see the same faces everyday.
but when i calm myself down and manage to convince myself that the weekend will be great.
i will get enough sleep once again and not worry about the next day.
then i'll be okay again :)

well that's it for now.
i'll get pictures from Ellen tomorrow and update :)

as for now:

OMG QYS!! no space for Qimi to sleep laaaaaaaaa. as long as there's still space to roll around on the bed... Qystina will continue rolling in her sleep. until she hits something. she seems to be able to sense where the edge of the bed is in her sleep. now i just feel sorry for Qimi. kene bau ketiak mashemmm qystina!! well.. acu loves you both :)

p.s. thanks to Laila, Khai, Hazerq, Mariah, and Ringgo for coming to pick me up last night :)

<3 suryani

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

one edward cullen please.

i'm watching Twilight right now... since i fell asleep while we were all watching it in the lounge.
and i'm feeling very happy right now...
best laaaa tgk cite ni...
it makes me very... dono... the Cullen family makes me really want to be a vampire? hahahah... tapi vegetarian vampire laaaa.. hahahaha
everyone's so protective of each other...
and has a partner...
it must feel good to have that. hmmm...

besides that... we finally finished our model today.
very monotone.
but it was good to be able to work with everyone like that.
i actually got to talk to some people that i've never really talked to before.
and i feel better that i had a part in completing the model... unlike some of the group members...

i am very the penat one...
i missed the first hour of my lecture...
but managed to get to the 2nd half in time... even though it was very boring.
tomorrow's the field trip already.
and i can't imagine what the hell we're planning on doing for four nights in a place yang sgt secluded.
interviews? can be done in 2 days kotttt.
i really feel like i don't want to go.
i'm DREADING on going there!!!!
i have yet to pack...
gonna have to do it now...before i fall asleep unintentionally and have to rush tomorrow.

i can feel the packed schedule this semester.
next semester might be the same.
the past two weeks of classes have been very tiring..not so stressing and not much pressure on us.. but very tiring cos it's like.. a lot of things have to be done at once.
i hope that it dies down a little next week.

so here are the pictures of the model:

we started out with something like this empty contours.

as we started putting trees on...

this is the messy room that we had to work in. all groups' cardboxes accounted for.kesian sgt to the cleaners who have to clean this up.


final product with the shadows and everything when we finally set it down in the staff meeting room to be marked.

our names. tapi yang paling penting my name la. hahaha

these were the trees that we had to make out of toothpick ends. i got blisters all over my right index finger :( and my hands feel very rough now :( like.. manly hands. lol.

<3 suryani

Monday, March 9, 2009

not to forget those times.

good good gooddddddddddd afternoon!!!
late afternoon, that is.
and not really that good.

i'm just so tired from last night.
we went to the Fringe Festival at about 9 something?
and left it at 12am?
not really sure.
but it was fun.
i'm happy to have bought something from there.
they're lights in the shape of roses.
i'll take a picture once i put it up.
the food was good. could've had better.
could've had those games, like carnival games you know?
shoot at the target... ring toss... throw darts at the balloons?

well, when we went through the whole place, we went back home.
where Naqib, Syamil, Omaq, Kimi and Buk were already waiting for Laila's surprise bday party.
:p hahaha laila and i marinated chicken before we went to the fringe and got some stuff ready so that all we had to do was fry the chicken once we got home.
it was a little hectic but we got everything done! :D
and i hope you liked it Laila!
hope that made ur day so much better... gave a good ending to a day and a good start to another. :)

then we all stayed to play Cranium til 6am!!!
we didn't even realize it was 6 already!
til i got out of the door and saw the time on my phone!
but it felt good to be surrounded by friends til early in the morn...
just hanging out and having a good laugh.
even though everyone was soooo tired and sleepy.
i'm sure everyone have had enough sleep by now.
i woke up a little late.
not as late as i thought cos was woken up by a phone call from my B.
then tried to get back to sleep... didn't work too well.

later on that day went to Glenelg Beach to lepak.
played frisbee, volleyball, kite-flying... and i just watched and was the "photographer" for the night.
these pictures will be up as soon as i get them from hazerq and syed's cameras.
had a few laughs in the tram on the way back.
had a look at our car.... the one yang berasap and bising gile2 tu...
hopefully something can be done to save that car.
and now... i'm pretty sure i have something to prepare for tomorrow's group meeting and class... but i'm not sure what it is. hahaha.

anyway... i'll just leave u with some pictures that i got from Laila's camera at the fringe.

before leaving for the Fringe while we're all still looking fresh and proper.

Ring Ring, Me, and Laila's photo session while waiting for the rest to arrive.

Laila and I ... with the jagung...

the group minus the photographer (Ring Ring) eating while waiting for the Freak Show to start.

Zahira, Laila and I waiting for them to come out of the Freak Show.

Those are lights okay, not cadar tilam

<3 suryani

Thursday, March 5, 2009


finally... i'm gonna update my bloggggggggggggg

so sorry for the lack of update.
but i've been busy this week, with class starting and me still undecided on which elective i wanted to take for this semester.
for the first time i'm actually gonna go to all the lectures and tutes to find out which is better suited for me.

well, that's what i did...
and i think i've finally made my mind.
i'm gonna take the HARDER one... hoping that i will pass with flying colors.
no animation for me this year.
animation class was like... going through ITGS all over again.
only two girls.
but now that i've gone out... that other girl is the only one.

i've gotta say.. that was the hardest decision i've had to make regarding classes.
i wanted to take animation so badly but i thought that maybe since i'm taking landscape next semester i should prepare and take landscape this semester so that next semester won't be so hard.
but i'm really sad not to be able to take that animation class.

mmm.. what have i been doing?
i finally asked my boss for work again.
don't know when that will be but his wife said she'll call me.
i'm hoping soon.
since i've bought myself a little tabung that will have to broken in order to take money out.
and it's really really pretty.
mmmm.. played cranium at Pojik's house.
big fun. serious laughter.
some things ruined the mood.
like the car problems.
and the note from the juniors yang kurang sopan.
but i guess in the end we just have to stand strong on our opinions.

fridays are packed.
tomorrow is packed.
saturday has a must-go-to event.
not because it's happening.
but i HAVE to go.
then i just want to sleep sleep sleep.

third year is already starting to take its toll on me.
i'm not getting enough sleep as it is.
so i think i should go now and try to get some rest.

let's leave with a happier note:

this is qystina. she's becoming thinner. but that's how it is, i guess, with these little kids.

this is qimi. so chubby. that's the shirt i bought him. he's only 3mths old!

<3 suryani

Sunday, March 1, 2009

sorry sorry for making your life a living hell.

i am here.
the place that i dreaded coming back to.

no, it's not as hot as everyone described it.
and i am so thankful.
lugging a huge bag that weighs 29kg up 3 flights of stairs isn't that easy.
fortunately laila was there to help me.
kalau tak... i don't know how many more hours i'd be stuck in the stairway.

we arrived this morning at about 8am?
my bag came out early and i declared the foods that i brought.
all they took was my milo.
surprisingly, azreen and hakim came to pick us up at the airport.
even though overall 3 trips were made to send all the bags and people to the village.
i took a picture.
i will post it up in the next blog.

i couldn't sleep even though that was all my tired body wanted.
talked to laila on the fone for a while even though our rooms are just 2 doors away.
then got ready to go to Cole's to buy a few things.
spent more than i expected, but it's alright i guess since i haven't bought anything here for 4 months.
had banana bubble milk tea at Qubic...
then came home when one of our friends cooked lunch.
had a little... then i had to go back home...
where i found a couple little things waiting for me... and destroy my mood.

then stayed in laila's room.
and were in the living room talking.
and here i am trying to keep my eyes open while updating this blog.

i guess i should go.
more tomorrow!!

p.s. this was actually typed yesterday but forgot to send submit since i accidentally slept infront of my laptop. :P

<3 suryani