Thursday, April 23, 2009

trying to find my way back home.

say enough praises for that person,
and see it eventually all go to their head.

i don't know why... maybe cos i've been moody lately...
i've been seeing sides of people that i just don't seem to want to accept.
personality-wise that is, not physically. lol.
almost everyone seems to get on my nerves lately...
and it sucks.
cos i don't want to feel this way.
but my mind can't seem to stop wandering around and it's just running wild.

i'm happy to have other things to keep my mind busy...
so some of the time... i'm actually laughing it off.
i know it kind of seems foolish of me to try and forget all of my problems merely by keeping myself busy with other activities.
because in the end, i know the problem will still be there.
just building up.

i can't believe i'm at this state of mind.
i never thought i'd be able to think this way.
but here i am, proving otherwise.
is it selfish of me?
i seem to think not.
but at the same time, i might be...
but shouldn't it be time that i think about myself for once?
so i don't get fooled again?

but it was you who made me into this person.

anyway, i've been feeling more tired this week than ever before...
i'm not sure why.
i've got to go to Uni to meet up with group members.. hopefully i get this assignment over and done with so that i can enjoy the rest of my holidays!

<3 suryani

Sunday, April 19, 2009

moments come and go.

this is definitely the remedy.

hello beautiful holidays :)
yea, i know it's already the middle of the vacation...
but i just came back from a trip that made me feel like i was actually on my holidays!
worry free, laughter, fun, everything just full of glee!
did i just use the word glee...???!
well, it was something i needed at the time.
something to make me smile again.

to update pictures of jason mraz.
here's a few.
i'll get some more from laila's camera... but they basically look like this.

the stage when we first got in :)

of us who went :)

i brought my twizzlers that i bought at the candy store!!! im sooo addicted to these and obsessed with that candy store. i praise whoever thought of starting that store up.


this is one of my fave pics!!!

he KNEW he was being cute with this!

yea, don't u feel like he just takes ur worries away and everything in the world becomes perfect for a moment????
cairrrrrr okayyyyyyyy...
his voice, his jokes, his outfit, his body, his simplicity.
gahhhhhh!!! so soooooo perfect...
ye la.. nobody is perfect but you know what i mean!
oh, and sorry for the "kerokeropi" mark ruining the quality of the photos.
i'm just taking precautions.
just that these pictures are hard to come by... it's the kind that i dont want people to be stealing and claiming as their own.

i'll post some pictures of the trip to Moonta up at the end of this entry.
but for now, i'll just tell you of what we did there from day 1 :)

Day 1 Saturday 18 April 2009
we drove in 2 cars including Kerokeropi :) 7 people in one car and 5 in the other. for one night of camping, there sure were a lot of things that everyone brought. but it's not like they were useless. we used everything! :)
we stopped at Port Wakefield for a rest then moved on for Moonta.
when we arrived, the view was just beautiful!
we seriously couldn't wait to get into the water!
when you see the pictures you'll understand!
we went crabbing and squidding later that night after everyone's shower.
crabbing went more successful than ever, even though we only caught 4 crabs!
and squidding... well, let's just say it felt like we were just chasing a fish around instead of waiting for the squid to come to us.
then we had dinner, very scrumptous! thanks to the people who cooked it.

Day 2 Sunday 19 April 2009
we woke up the earliest of everyone in that camping site.
i seriously think that the others in the camp site were just like.. "meddling kids!"
we were the last to sleep.. and first to wake up.. both with a lot of noise!
kene sound la sket.. tapi takpe...
the tide was soooooooo low it actually went back to the area that we swam!
i decided not to join the others at the beach.. everyone woke up and went straight to the beach to see the view.
laila and i were the first ones to take our showers and then we went down to the shore.
those creepy little jelly insects were more scary than they let you see!
then we drove off to Wallaroo... to have lunch and take a few pictures at the bay.
then headed to St. Kilda to have some fun...
and headed home where i slept most during the drive.
sorry to everyone if i wasn't much help...

kanak2 riang.

p.s. it's times like this that i really appreciate having friends like these people in the pictures. even though, it wasn't the main aim of the whole trip... i'd like to think that it was for me cos it really helped with everything in my head. they made me smile and laugh even when if it contradicts my reality.

thanks u guys~
and thanks laila for deciding to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope you didn't regret it. i'm sure u had fun too :)

<3 suryani

Friday, April 17, 2009

don't let your mind stop you.

well, to update what went on for the rest of wednesday.. continuing from what i summarized in the last blog entry,
the rest of the day didn't go by as good as the first part of the day.
it's not like it ruined the whole day for me... but it brought a part of me down.
and it sucks.
cos my hatred just grew stronger by the moment.

thursday i successfully went to the gym, albeit very late, but i still forced myself to go!
i actually still had to convince myself while i was walking down the sidewalk.
i was actually already on my way and a part of me wanted to turn around.
later i met up with a few friends at swinging bowl for lunch, then i went off to uni to start my assignment that was due this morning!
i didn't get a head start on it... not really.. i left at 5pm to go back home.
later that night we headed to marion shopping center, where laila and i got ourselves a new outfit for the concert that we just came back from.
jason mraz's concert! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

we just got back... and all i can say is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
i'm very satisfied with what i got in return for going to that concert.
i was never a FAN of jason mraz... however i did like a couple of his songs.
it's not like i hated the guy.
i havent used my camera for so long, and i finally used it today.
a little bit frustrated that i only figured out the perfect setting at the last minute before my batteries died.. but i captured a few photos of jason mraz... clear and perfect!
i will post them up as soon as i upload them :)
i know laila and syed got a lot of good pictures of him!
argghhh! the concert was worth going to.
the opening singers were good too.
eric hutchinson was great!
bob evans as well, although he was a little drunk probably.
missy higgins as the closing act... was maybe not such a good idea.. in my opinion lah.
coulda put me to sleep.
but i was just so excited when jason mraz came on.
i didnt expect for myself to react that way.. but gawd, he was good!
very much the entertainer.
i felt like i was back in high school when i went to my last "fave band" concert!

well, we've got camping tomorrow at Moonta, if i'm not mistaken.
gotta get to sleep.
need my rest...
will post pictures up soon :)

<3 Suryani

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

one day you'll wake up and find that you're missing me.

today's been quite a success. so far.
i went to the gym at half past nine.
though the plan was to go at a quarter to nine.
stayed til 11am and took a shower.
then had lunch with hazerq at Swinging Bowl and met up with the rest of the P.E. students.

my ankles ache.
but it was a good work out.
i feel so light on my feet now. hahaha.
can't wait for the next visit :)

aside from that...
the work didn't really work out the way i thought it would.
not worth it. my back ached so badly that night.
and that restaurant just needs to be more organized in the sense of taking and bringing out orders.
family members wanting to see the back kitchen should just come and see.
not order inside and leave the waitress blank on what they ordered.
not stay inside and help them cook.
cos this just results in a really chaotic environment when so many customers come by.

holidays are going okay so far.
got an assignment to hand in on friday, or at least that's what sarah told me.
yup, i just found out i had an assignment to had in on friday.
thankfully i bumped into sarah yesterday.

the rest?
well, let's just say the rest that happened... allows me to be happy (for the moment) to be where i am.
away from everyone who creates problems for me.
away from everyone who would make me annoyed at constant babbling.
away from anyone who would make me mad.
when i'm away from them, i can just disappear for any amount of time.
i'm in control :)

sunshine, please help me be strong and stop worrying about any problems or anyone creating problems for me.

<3 suryani

Monday, April 6, 2009

as if you didn't know

in my room i sat for the inspirational light to come my way,
so i can finally end my procrastination and start on the assignment due in 3 days time.
it's not a little assignment, it's a big one.
it's not an individual assignment. it's a group.
so let's hope everything goes as planned.

i was just thinking that it'd be better to do my assignment in the living room,
away from all the distractions.
but obviously, that wasn't a success as i am now doing what i shouldn't.
thinking but not doing doesn't put the plan into action, does it?

i just got back from my Pojik's apartment, once again enjoying SingStar on PS2...
it's just too addictive.
but isn't too much fun with just 3-4 people.
and maybe about 2 in that 4 people were partly excited to continue singing.
maybe cos it's the last week before easter holidays.
so everyone's busy?... or some just are just being thoughtful and don't want to enjoy time without the other friends?
so, yes. this will allow me some time to start on my assignment.
but i am still here sitting on my comfortable bed, cross-legged and typing this up, almost falling asleep.

i have to wake up early tomorrow to go to Uni and meet up with the rest of the group.
but i can only make it to 11 cos i have to go explore the cash register at the new Turkistan restaurant that we're about to start work at.
great opportunity to lessen the nervousness for starting work on monday next week.
then i have to head back to Uni for the lecture at 3.
oh joy.
if i walk through all of this, maybe i'd get a little exercise before i start gym on thursday.

i had my student card re-done because i couldn't get access to the doors in the architecture building.
the reason behind is that, the lady said, when someone from the Village accessed my card to put in my access to the Village, they deleted my access to the rest of the Uni.
so the lady at the Student Center fixed that for me, and she also fixed my name on the card.
so from now on, i am no longer just a Siti.
but, now, as i try to get into the Village later in the day... i got a red light.
so my position is now vice versa.

on top of that, my sister buzzed me up on yahoo messenger
claiming that i don't talk to her much anymore.
which is the truth, but i am not at fault.
nobody in my family seems to care about what i do here... til the money on the credit card goes too high... then my dad will sms or email me.
so whatever it is, i end up with the face of the bad guy.

p.s. the only great part of the day was the weather. the cold, windy, and calming weather. my kind of weather. :) pls come back tomorrow, and the day after, and after and so on.

<3 suryani

Saturday, April 4, 2009

of the pinks

it feels like it's been forever since i last updated...
but here it is.

it's already april and assignments are being due one after another.
i finally got a job offer yesterday!
so yippee me!
it feels good to finally have a job again... that money that i really need to save up... will be put to good use in july :D
dslr, among other things :)

well, for the past few days i've been caught up with the new PS2.
mostly on SingStar and the buzzing game.
it's really addictive.
and time flies so fast while you're at it.
so fast that i didnt even realize i have an assignment due next week, which i have not started yet.
so it will start 2moro, definitely, most probably.... maybe lah!
i was supposed to start just now.. but.. Laila and her power of persuasion... haihhhh
hahahahahaha... we ended up watching Ever After.. the one with my oh-so-gorgeous prince charming Dougray Scott!!!
i'm telling you, i can never get bored of watching that movie over and over again :)
okay, maybe that persuasion part was mostly me to laila... haha. but she agreed!!!

went to eat at Sushi Train on Gouger Street cos of the aud3 each sushi offer, but when we drove by it was FULL!
there was an actual queue all the way outside the restauranT!
so we decided to go to the one on King William street.. or i think it's King William.
this one is already aud3 everyday, but no wonder, the sushi isn't so great.
but we ate a few anyway...
then i came home and cooked with Laila!
it's been soooooo long since i last cooked!
but it wasn't such a big thing...
so it was okay :)

well, one more week of uni!
and we can go on holidays!!
where i hope i get lots of work to make up for the loss of work i got from my stupid previous boss and get that savings UP!

oh yeah, Laila and I also went to watch The Uninvited at Marion.. and the movie wasn't what i expected it to be.
i don't even know why it's called The Uninvited...
haiya.. what a waste of moolah!

emm.. i also finally put together my clothes rack.
with my light of roses wrapped around the sides...

p.s. RAMBUT PIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAA (this is serious laughter with rolling on the floor like it's nobody's business)

<3 suryani