Wednesday, July 29, 2009

isn't it something~

i'm shocked to say this myself... but..
i'm pretty happy with my class this year.
Penang Studio is over with.. just have class for 2 hrs for the first 2 fridays.
architecture studio has gone smoothly so far..
except for the 3 hr lecture, which might have helped me doze off a little.

i'm pretty excited for this semester :)
still searching for work opportunities.. which i hope will come soon :)

<3 suryani

Sunday, July 26, 2009

on this journey.

today i went to watch the 2nd hockey match between malaysia and aussie!
it was awesommmeeee!!!
much better than yesterday!

the game ended 1-0!
malaysia's defence was great today!
the goalkeeper was aweeesommmeee!!
he was a small guy..
i guess that proves the saying that great things comes in small packages!
there were so many times the kookaburras almost scored a goal.. but the defence and the goal keeper were awesome!

rugi gile whoever tak pegi the 2nd day!
and another thing!
i just read an article - - that says this is the first time malaysia has defeated aussie since 1994!!
its times like these that i feel so proud of malaysia, so patriotic :D
15 frickin years!
and it shocked the aussies too!
so hah!

that last picture is of most of the cheering club :p
even the guy on the speakers was announcing where the malaysian cheering club was ;P
we were loud and proud :D
even this aussie guy was feeling threatened and came in between to cheer for the aussies. hahaa.
keep it up malaysia :)
best of luck for canberra :D

<3 suryani

Saturday, July 25, 2009

we can fly.

i went to watch the friendly hockey match of Aussie against Malaysia.
the score was really sad.
but we were hyped when Malaysia finally scored one. :p

i already bought a ticket for both days..
so i'm hoping tomorrow's match will show more success ;p
but it was really fun just cheering them on.
i felt like i was back in high school at all the basketball and soccer matches.

hmmm.. what else yea?
well, hoping that tomorrow will be a better day :)
i have to continue to finish off my Penang journal..
but i'm too lazzzyyyyyyy~

ok. that's pretty much all i wanted to update with.

<3 suryani

Friday, July 24, 2009


hulloooo all :)
well, i am back in adelaide.
and i can't beging to tell u how much fun i had in penang with the rest of the group~
i'm not gonna start being all emo and whatnot..
all i'm gonna say is that i can't believe how a short 3-week holiday/course trip allowed me to bond with these people who i thought i'd never talk to.. ever!
and better yet.. i feel like we've known each other for so long.

i'm glad to have finally found people who care about me as much as everyone else in the group :)
oh, wait. the word is friends!
never once did i feel like a minority nor terasa with them.

now being back in adelaide...
i'm so so cold! but i'm loving it!
access to internet, my own bed, my room (albeit, very messy!), and no more power naps!
just a really long long sleep to make up for all the ones i skipped in Penang!
part of me can't wait to start 2nd semester... but part of me doesn't wanna start it at all :(
i'd be happy right about now if a job opportunity came my way :(

p.s. oh yea. a friend might be visiting soon :D so hopefully that turns out alright :D

<3 suryani

Sunday, July 19, 2009


don't get the wrong idea..
the final presentations are over ;p
and omg.. i am oh-so-happy!
you know that feeling of relief after final submissions?
so, i'm done with the biggest part of the Penang Urban Design Studio.
now all that's left is the editting of the video and final submission of that.

the presentation went well, both yesterday and today.
i am very happy with my group, we worked so well together.
it seemed that we touched on every detail that we needed to.
hoping for a good mark on that one :D

thank gawd the Prudential building (where we had our presentations) was about 5 mins away from our hotel.
no sweating. we still looked like professionals.
changed to once again go out for some retail therapy.
or.. .watch my friends go on the therapy. unfortunately i am low on funds.
it was so depressing for me to see my friends able to buy everything without having to calculate the budget.
depressing cos i only have rm20 left in my wallet!
we got our Jaya food where i had nasi goreng kampung :D
trying to savor it before leaving :p
watched an episode of the OC and had a power nap!

we celebrated Erandi's 21st birthday, which was actually yesterday.
we couldn't do anything yesterday cos everyone was so busy with the presentations and sprucing it up.
although, we did have a little drink and dinner at the marina at a bar called the QEII.
it was ladies nite... so i got Dayle the alcoholic drinks.. and he bought me 7up! haha
well, today we enjoyed the night at Beach Blanket Babylon Bar!
Erandi had booked the whole deck for the group.
we had cake and everything.
it was fun :) then we moved on to the Eastern and Oriental Hotel's restaurant to have a bite to eat and moved on to SoHo for drinks.
the rest went out for dancing afterwards... but i was too tired.
so i went back to the hotel, and here i am!

in the midst of applying for new work positions and chatting with friends..
i remember that tomorrow we planned to go to the beach and night market.
but we have to do filming!
frackkkkkk!~ and so we have to wake up early again?
damn it.
was hoping for a break 2moro...

oh well.
hmmm.. i've got to make sure i have enough money to pay for the airport shuttle on tuesday!
gotta go organize everything!


<3 suryani

Sunday, July 12, 2009

noticing you.

do you know how much i feel in debted to you?

i really hope i find a more stable job when i get back to adelaide.
maybe then i can return the favor :)

sometimes i fear for our future.
but there's many of us.
i wish to help all of u out.
but one dream at a time :)

<3 suryani

Friday, July 10, 2009

the surprise :)

okay.. so far everything has been great.
i've been wanting to update with this for a while..
whoever's reading this (the little amount of ppl i give the url of my blog to)... i just wanna thank u guys so much for wishing me on my birthday :)

i never had the fun 21 bday party i wanted.
i felt like crying actuallyy...
this is how it went:

7th July 2009
my B came to Penang to celebrate with me...
i met him and we had dinner and went to watch Ice Age 3!
btw B, thanks so much for everything :)
i was ecstatic that i got to meet him!

8th July 2009
i spent the morning and noon with my B..
i went to send him off to the bus terminal... i got to go on the ferry!
every second counts :)
i spent a good 45 minutes with him waiting for his bus...
meanwhile, my friend Dayle texted me asking when i'll be back if i'll be back on time at 1pm cos we had to hand in our journals.
i was worried cos.. i dropped by earlier before leaving for the ferry to leave my journal with my roomate so that she could hand it in for me.
Dayle was making me worried thinking that I might have to be there.
but he sed it was okay. they can hand it in for me.
but still, the whole time i was actually thinking if i should just leave.
but i didnt want to leave my B just yet.
so i stayed.. but when he finally got on the bus.. i thought i was meant to leave right away.. and as i always do.. i walked really fast cos i wasnt familiar with my surroundings.
i put on my ipod on high volume so i didnt hear my B calling me twice!
his bus didnt leave yet, so he wanted to stay with me for a little longer.
but i already got on the ferry.
i felt bad. :(
sorry B...

anyway, Dayle told me to text him when i get on the taxi to the hotel.
so i did.
and his text goes like this: "kool we r watching in our room. Come there :)"
we've been watching the OC hahaa.. my roomate bought the bootleg version.
so i assumed they were watching that.
when i knocked on the door.. like always.. i block the peep hole with my hand so they cant see who's knocking ;p
i heard voices inside saying "I can't see.."
and another friend, Erandi, opened the door smiling so wideee and i walked in.
it was sooo quite.
then i saw the cake!
and everyone started singing!!
i was totally surprised! totally unexpected.
i felt like crying but i held it in!
i've only started being close to these people for a little more than a week and they did all this for me.
Ryan told me that's why they were questioning me about cake last week.
i thought it was for Erandi's birthday, which is also coming up soon.
they bought me Chocolate Cheesecake from Secret Recipe.
they had kept the cake in the kitchen downstairs cos it wouldn't fit the one in our room.
i was soooo happy!
and sgt2 terharu.
it's been 5 years since i've had any friend that would go through all that trouble for me.
the last time was my farewell gathering in New York.
they asked me how my 21st was.. i sed nothing happened. just wishes.
then they sed "well, this could be your 2nd 21st!"
just made me smile :)

i got a card .. signed from half of the people in the Penang group.
Erandi got me an authentic Penang spoon and Anne and Annie got me a mini bird keychain. it's with a small ring that i can attach to my phone :D
thanks so much u guys.
and they brought me to KFC at Batu Feringghi knowing that i've wanted KFC ever since we landed.
even though Ryan's vegetarian.. they still all went to KFC to eat with me :D
then we spent the rest of the nite at the night market where i bought a dress and 5 earrings :D
i intend to go there again before we leave.. for more dresses!

so here's the rest.
i'm just gonna post pictures up :)

and finally the birthday cake.. a little bit blurry cos i was a bit shaky.. but nonetheless.. :)

<3 suryani

Monday, July 6, 2009


i am currently at a cafe called Mr. Pot.
for those who read my twitter and fb.. i've mentioned quite a few times the fat naked baby statues climbing up the water fountain.
and i'll mention it again here.
it's just cute.. but weird at the same time.

anyway, we just finished our first presentation today!!!
it was supposed to be at 2pm... we put everything together this morning after breakfast.
everything was sooo disorganized...unorganized?? is it dis or un?
whatever it is.. we didn't start at 2.
our lecturer doesnt really tell us what we need to bring, other than our presentations of course.
the next thing we know, my group was the first to arrive and he's asking who was supposed to bring the laptop for us to do our presentation on..?
no one knew that we were supposed to bring one.. but luckily two people brought theirs.
and the lecturer just left them to do all the wire connections.
i kinda felt bad for the lecturer.. since he's this old unorganized person.
but at the same time.. i felt a little annoyed that nothing's gone right so far.
he even left us out during the meeting.
he asked everyone to meet at this food court near our hotel called The Red Garden Night Market.. to discuss about our group projects.
he went to every group.. but left ours out and left.
so he caught up with us the next day during breakfast after i texted him the nite before to ask him about the topics.

so our group got stuck with the worst topic.
the one topic that we didnt want.
the morning market.. with all the chicken slaughters, fish, and smelly stuff.
once again, he sed we could pick what topic we wanted...
but he ended up delegating each topic to a certain team that he thought was best to have it.
tapi takpe.. from all of this.. im still happy about our presentation.
we went third.. and they LOVED our presentation!
so hopefully.. a HD!

tonight we're going to a nite market at batu feringghi.
really running out on money.. but hopefully my sister will send some in.
i need to buy shoes.
i want to buy contacts.
i'm not getting my dslr.
even though they're selling it for the cheapest price ever.
my dad seems to have forgotten my bday.
no present for me then.
but my friends here have sed that they want to bring me out for my bday.
it'll be at nite.
so hopefully that'll go well :D
i stayed in last nite.. cos i had a huge headache..
but supposedly everything good happened last night.
people got drunk. someone went off with a stranger and didnt come back til 7am.
damn. maybe tonite i'll join. :D

anyway.. i wanted to post up some pictures.. but the connection is too slow here.
i'll do it when i have time to go to the cafe that sells panini.. :D

<3 suryani

Friday, July 3, 2009

brief happiness.

am currently in a cafe called Segafredo!~
which has wireless internet! yes!
stupid kan...? that the hotel doesn't have free wireless!
internet is rm10 for one hour!
gile ke ape?
take advantage gileeeee...
foreigners wouldn't kno of going to internet cafes to get internet for a cheaper price like.. rm2 per hour!
and internet laju lak tu kt sini!
a friend of mine used the internet kt hotel and said it had limited connectivity the first 20 mins so he had to get some IT help.
he wasted 20 mins just waiting and the IT person sed he couldn't get an extra 20 mins to replace the ones he waited for!

i am having fun!
the weather is really hot..
but it's been okay.. i felt much better than in singapore.
maybe since it's my own country and everything..
but so far.. susah sket with the money.. cos i'm going around with a group of people that has a couple who has more of an expensive taste.
i thought that they'd all be wanting more of the cheaper local food ... at hawker stands.
but apparently, like i experienced yesterday, they wanted to go to the nice indian restaurant..
i donno.. boleh je dapat kt penang ni.. memane je.. tapi dorang nak pegi jugak?
i just might have to stay behind next time we go for something a lil more pricy.
of course it's not expensive to them... but me being a malaysian.. and my original money being in ringgit before it turned to australian dollars .. and now is back in malaysian ringgit... i know that i dont have that much.
so im just waiting for my money to come in soon!

my sister apparently thinks that i have all the time in the world to wait for that donation of hers.
but i asked her nicely to have it sent earlier.. hopefully she will.
and .. sadly.. people... Village friends from Adelaide reading this..
i might not be able to go to melbourne with you guys..
cos of the lack of money.. sorry.. but we'll see laH!

i cant wait for one week to go by so then we'll onlly have 2 weeks left.
i sort of cant wait to go back too.. cos i dont have much money to spend haha.
i thought i wanted to post pictures up, but i dont think i will.
maybe when im back in adelaide.

<3 suryani

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

fast fast!

sorry for the lack of update..
i am currently in singapore's changi airport... taking full use of the internet.
i've got about 2 mins left.
so better make this fast.

heading to penang at 3.10pm! woohoo!
CANNOT wait laaaaaa!!
although... the weather makes me think twice :p

singapore's been so fun!
met up with Nurul last night.. a girlfriend i met in adelaide when she came down for her graduation!~
she brought me around.. and we talked for hours on!
Nurul: if you're reading this - thanks soooooooo much! i had so much fun!

shit. i have 30 secs left.
continue in penang!


<3 suryani