Monday, August 31, 2009

hello, Procrastination!

in the midst of watching re-runs,
i remembered i have A FRICKIN ASSIGNMENT to finish uP!
frack! frack! frack!
come on, yanie!

sebok tgk movie.
sebok usha facebook.
sebok check myspace.
gmail. yahoo. twitter.
smue lah!

ok2. i'm gonna go give the assignment another try!
i'll leave u with these updated pictures of my two cuties!

<3 suryani

Sunday, August 30, 2009

just look away.

with 30 minutes to malaysia's 52nd independence day:
i am sitting in my room, transferring songs to my phone in plans for tomorrow.

why am i telling you this?

i was sitting in laila's room a couple hours ago...
i looked over to my phone for today's date.
my mind said quietly "august 31st"...
and it didn't register yet.
a few seconds later my mind was running... cos i felt like there's something happening on the 31st.
i thought straight away.. that it was someone's bday.
rupe-rupenye MERDEKA!

is it sad that there's no feeling of joy whatsoever?
no preparation?
no celebration?
isn't it horrible for us to be so oblivious to a day that's meant to be so full of pride?

sgt sadis.
for the little that counts:

happy independence day, Malaysia.

<3 suryani

Saturday, August 29, 2009

happy to be happy.

i felt so happy today.
i was able to cook again!
well, i cooked for the first time in a veryy veryyy long time.
bakar ayam in the oven doees not count as cooking!

i went out with laila today.
although it was raining on and off the whole day..
our urge to go out was stronger.
the wind, the rain, the cold!
but we still went in search for food!

i cooked my usual Ayam Paprik.
you know that feeling ... when you cook you dont feel that hungry anymore?
yea, that's what happened.
i mean, we got home a little later than expected but i cooked right away.
and when it was time to break our fast, i had sips of my bubble tea.
when the food was cooked, i didnt feel that hungry anymore!
but i forced myself to eat anywayyyy cos of all the time it took me!
and the torture of having to be in the same kitchen with... her!

i'm tellin you, i felt her constant stare!

oh well, once was enough!
maybe next time will be in november! haha..

<3 suryani

Thursday, August 27, 2009

undeniably lonesome

saye bosan, saye bosan.
saye bosan, saye bosan.
woah woah woahhh~
walaupon saye ade esainmen yg x start2 lagi..
saye bosan saye bosan..
habes la sayeee..

i have a kitchen design to start on.
but yet i choose to spend time with my laptop instead.
my ipod is no more. my external hard drive is mentally unstable.
my rainbow umbrella is cacat-ed.
i'm probably next...
don't be surprised haaa if i go crazy soon.
now i walk to the non existent music in my head.
should i be a nerd and bring a book around now?

i'm so bored. i'm so bored :(
nine west.. be my savior .. pls!

<3 suryani

Saturday, August 22, 2009

keeps getting better

...and more disappointment.

today was a good day,
lost one job, got offered another :)
but the end was a piece of kaka.

both ends resulted in frustration and disappointment.
however, this end was shocked. that final act the other end did.. made this end all the more happy with the decision this end was contemplating.
the other end can actually keep that one, marry it, and raise little tiny frustrations and secrets with it :)
this end doesn't believe they'll be able to forgive the other end anyway after how they described it :)

the world has just stopped turning for a brief moment.

nice way to start Fasting Month huh?
all depressed and having given up on life.
Happy Ramadhan to everyone :)

<3 suryani

Thursday, August 20, 2009

behind my back.

in search for comfort, all i found was disappointment.

i didn't like today.
something i read triggered all this..
and it's stupid!
cos this person never existed for long in my world!
not back then, not now, not ever.
i forgot its existence!
now it's asking around about me?

whatever lah!
inspite all of that, i would still love to see this person f2f and punch him in the nuts!

one thing and one thought made me want to move forward.
for 2moro. and for the end of this month.
although i'm pretty much tearing my insides silently.

<3 suryani

Monday, August 17, 2009

it's your day :)

today :)
is my daddy's bday :D

even though he won't be reading this..


you're so old now lahhh
but you're still perasan mudaaa
but i'll give it to u today.
cos it's ur day :D

you're such an amazing person :)
to be able to manage this whole crazy family
and still be the solid we lean on.

we love you daddyyy
kalau my dad sees this.. memang he will kutuk2 me for the rest of my life la
pls forgive me for any wrong that i've done unto you. made you worry ke pening ke.
and forgive me for everything else that i will do in the future ;p

<3 suryani

Sunday, August 9, 2009

if we're still not there.

so.. yesterday was my other half's bday.. :)


i'm sorry i wasn't there for ur bday :(
like you were there for mine.
but we'll make it up at the end of the year okay? :D

then we can also make up celebration of our 2-yr mark :D
today's our 1yr and 9mths~
and you remembered!!
good.. pandai nye amek ati..~

practice has been going great so far.
i get to sing less songs now that someone spoke up and actually wanted to sing but was too embarassed and nervous.
yay! i get my aud40 worth of food and relaxation!
now i'm actually happy to be at the dinner, all dressed up and not just for performances! :p

<3 suryani