Tuesday, September 22, 2009

is it really joy?

cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age

i slept before 9pm last night!
is that crayyyziiieee or what?!
im not exactly sure myself on the reasons why.
but i vaguely remember thinking that it was the fatigue making me lie in bed.
the beginning of Raya turned out better than i thought it would be.
started it out with makan2 at pojik's house.
then moved on to ayie and the geng's open house at the bbq pit area.
a lot of people seemed to be wearing blue that day.
and i was one of them! haha.
coincidence, i guess.
then moved on to the open house at Norwood, hosted by Mami, Munir, and the geng.
and off to Angas St for Hola's house, where we mostly played with the cute bunny!

there was another one to go to later i think...
but i wasn't sure who's.
we were dropped off at the Village and i thought it best to just rest.

the weather was great, a little bit cool.
contrary to monday.. which rained like hell.
headed over to the newlyweds', Kucai and Aishah.
the house was really, really nice!
laila.. i'm sure kalau u tgk rumah dorg u would want to find out for any vacancies!
i helped myself to all the kuihs Aishah made.
7 different types! memang rajin gile!
and all the guests layan hindustan.

we headed over to another grand-looking house today, Adam Usamah and his housemates, whoeever they are.
focused on guitar hero, and headed home.
i didnt eat as much as i thought i would this raya.
i'm not sure why.
i feel like i ate less than the month of fasting.

oh well,
another house to go to tomorrow :)
more people to enjoy Raya with :)

by the way,
i am glad i have expanded my horizons.
i see much clearer now :)

of the photos i have:

raya, oz style, parading around glamorously with our thongs!

architecture students :)

my two cutie pies!

<3 suryani

Friday, September 18, 2009


omg. i did not realize i would be malu gile while in my own room.
malu sampai berpeluh2 dlm bilik ni ha. muke habis merah!
those of you who have seen my face turn red from embarassment..
i'm alone in my own room. alone. and it still happens.
possible ke?!

why, might you ask?
well, i was listening to my own voice in the playback of the performances during our Merdeka Dinner.
is THAT how i sound like!
i hear that fault that a few people have pointed out about my singing awhile back in new york.
but i still don't know how i can make it better.
oh wellssss...
malu la sekejap.
mintak2 tak ramai jumpe link tu. hahaha.

i received a parcel!
yay yay!
finally!! i thought that it was confisticated or something like last year :(

underneath all that shredded paper... the containers were still damaged!
but nevertheless,
thanks to my dad!
thanks to my aunt too cos my dad asked her to find them in msia for me!

<3 suryani

Thursday, September 17, 2009

you'll never see.

friends walk in when others walk out.

kira.. two way street right?
so next time, maybe don't walk in too much to a place where they wont walk in for you.
i know so many people who are taken for granted it's a little bit sad really.
some people walk in for people who pretty much are just there for the moment.
then who are you left with? people who you never considered to walk in for pon.

it's okay, babe.
you win some, you lose some.
if people can't appreciate your friendship, then take it elsewhere to people who would cherish it.
don't beat yourself up too badly about it...
you're the one who had a positive thought all the way that time right?
but apparently, they didn't think the same?
so find some people who would consider you just as important as the rest.
pls, buzz me if you need.
you know i'm always there.
you can count on me, so smile k. where's that ravishing smile of yours?hehe

hmmm as for me, when family fails to be there... like.. physically there... since they're all over the world
i would like to think i have at least one good friend that i can fall on.
someone who knows i'm secretly shedding a tear or two in my room, having all this burden on me.

Selamat Hari Raya to you who can express anything to me, just like yesterday k :)

<3 suryani

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

flowers, fine and rare.

sunshine to the shade, shade to the sunshine

is it bad that i'm pushing away all these offers?
i've been asking for it, but now that i got it, it's like .. i dont want it!
i mean.. i never thought i'd get it.. but i tried anyway, with a non-existent hope.
does that make sense...?
ok whatever. something new has opened up for me, so that's all good.
hope it lasts longer.

starting tomorrow i'll be such a lonerrr.
kan ukelele kan?
i feel bad for not being able to send ukelele off...
i really want tooooo...
but work has tied me down.
who will i be silent on the fone with?
who will stomp around in ur room for u? Hahaha!..oops~
who will i spend the first day of rayaaa witthhh????
but in 2 weeks time, definitely i'll be there :D
tapi takleh terima la! serius xleh terima!
i was just in ukelele's room for a mini session of our endless-ever-changing-topics talk.
but in the end i just couldn't accept it!

so many people are going back for raya this year.
so jealous!
where are my raya cards?
where are my cookies i asked for!
where is my duit raya!?? :(

i'd like more of what makes me happy pls.

<3 suryani

Sunday, September 13, 2009

please don't leave me.

it must be tiring...
a thought might have occurred.. mengada-ness?
it's really not...
there's a reason for it all.

i was really looking forward to the first day of Hari Raya.
but now there's really nothing to look forward to.
Laila is leavingggggggggg for KL!
that lucky ukelele!
so i am left in this house alone with people i hate most.
i wouldn't want to go to the open houses alone.
i rarely take the buses (except the free 99c) .. much less alone.
dah la pakai baju raya yg berkilat2... jd cam lampu lip lap!

it's the time to be together.
the excitement of going to one open house to another and be meriah and whatnot.
so far.. i guess i'll just be staying home getting drunk on loneliness in my room.
the only plan so far is for the MASCA-UMNO Open House.
that's because i have to be there anyway.
i'll keep myself busy with duties that day so i don't have to worry about having someone to keep me company.
a friend just offered their welcome to me. but i don't know how much that helps.

i hope these 2 weeks pass by faster.
looking forward to fruit picking!
i've got a groupie! :p

"Little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth."

<3 suryani

Saturday, September 12, 2009

out with the virtue

bazaar ramadhan was a success.
but i didnt think the day would turn out the way it did.

not yet a full half hour into the scene food was vanishing so quickly i cant imagine the profits people made.
i won't list what i bought cos then it'll seem like i'm so tamak!
but, to be fair, they were a little bit of everything.

Laila helped me with the cooking.
we checked, and it was a really nice day to be out but the weather was just a disguise.
how was i to know that it would slowly include little mishaps here and there??
well, maybe not so little mishaps la. not to me anyway.

being told not to have access to my rights..
it started to boil in me a little bit.
but people say patience is a virtue isn't it?
we shopped for food but we finished early so happily and patiently 3 hours later came time for breaking our fast.
Laila and I had to unexpectedly stay on the lawns to break our fast cos it was too late to walk home before time.
all in the light of day slowly fading away, of course.
but still, anything planned for breaking our fast was all blown away.
indeed, it was a hard blow.

then. came the rain.
yep. eating in the rain.
we had to stop in the mid of wonderful cuisines and find cover.
we can only wait for so long...
so we headed home, where the strong wind almost hurt my rainbow again.
lemme tell ya, wind + rain = not such a good result.
we hadn't plan on walking home but we had to since it was our only means,
so Miss Ukelele didn't bring her ukelele cover. thankfully i had my rainbow to cover us both :)

sampai kampung je..
ha! who could've seen it coming?
front desk made us laugh with those interesting yet funny recommendations!

i dont know whether to see this day as something i want to remember,
or something i should learn from.
that is, expected the unexpected??
but this is way beyond the unexpected.

<3 suryani

Friday, September 11, 2009

under the canopy.

as i said.. i'll post up the pictures of the Royal Adelaide Show soon.
and i just got the pictures... amek je la dr yg kene tagged.
since laila's network is not accessibleeeeee!!

all the colors.
all the screaming and noise.
all the huggable teddies!
hoping to be able to go again!

<3 suryani

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



for some reason this week has gone by real slow.
even the 3 hours of studio this morning went by like siput.
and worse yet, i didn't bring anything to the class.
nothing was due this week but the final design is due next week.
i said to myself that i'll start over last weekend.
didn't happen.
then last nite i said i'll dedicate half an hour before i go to sleep.
again. did NOT happen.

but now.
i'm promising myself, i'll do it tomorrow!
i'm gonna have to stay in Uni til nite.
maybe catch the shuttle to get home.
and break my fast outside. so possibly for the first time.. makan kt luar sorang2 :(
for the amount of time i'm planning on staying tomorrow,
i hope i get 50% done.

hoping to enjoy the weekend.
there's the bazaar this saturday :)
nothing on sunday, but might as well catch up on some rest :D

<3 suryani

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

happiness is like peeing in your pants.

it's really testing my patience.
lagi2 bulan ramadhan ni kan...
but no. seriously.

i live 3 frickin floors up..
i've lived in this house 3 frickin whole years!
never have i had this problem.
so if you were to confide in someone from the reception about this..
do you really think there's even a remote possibility that they would think i'm the problem??

cukup lah kau dah complain psl everyone else living around you.
but now you're perasan about the person living 3 floors up from you?
hello, makcikperasanlawatapisbnrnyehidungbsrkawmenghalangkawdrrealiti, kau igt ni bapak kau punya rumah ke?
kalau lah bapak kau punya rumah pon...
macam aku kesah?

and this is yet another mini chapter of a future book i will write in dedication of bitches who grew up having people lie to them and tell them they were the center of the universe.

<3 suryani

Sunday, September 6, 2009


today's so boring.
it has come to the point that i feel depressed!
locked up in my room...
doing nothing but watch movies all day.
i watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past...
i finally watched Sex in the City the movie... and yes. i feel more depressed after seeing the city all over again.
i even watched movies i've watched five thousand times!

maybe if i had some moolah i'd be able to do some laundry.
but no.
i finished all that was left on the Royal Adelaide Show.
it was really fun.
if i didnt limit myself it wouldve been more fun!
hoping to go again before it ends.
waiting for laila and syed's pictures on that.

i applied for so many christmas casual positions i don't know WHAT i applied for in the end.
have to return some library books tomorrow.
hoping to also get the chance to hand in some walk in resumes.

i'm gonna go get depressed some more :)

<3 suryani

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

eskrem seposen!

it's 3.30am and i just got back to my room after finishing my assignment in laila's room.
nak kene tido cepat!
i have 4 hours to sleep! dammitttt!!!

i just wanted to post this up...
cos i feel bad for taking up laila's room.
so i wanna thank laila for letting me stay in her room to finish up my assignment!
kalau tak... i wouldn't be done by now.
with all the distractions in my room.

duduk dlm bilik laila pon ade distraction!
tp kire boleh buat esainmen lagi laaa...
thanks lailaaaaaa...
and sorry for keeping you up til this late hour. :(
jgn annoyed at meeee...

<3 suryani