Sunday, October 25, 2009

good night :)

so, my plan to go to uni and stay at the plaza lab for a whole hour did not turn out as planned.
i had 3 hours of sleep.
yesterday i spent from noon to the morning the next day celebrating Sarah and Naz's bday!
i cooked my chicken rice :)
later after we finished celebrating Naz's bday, we went back to the Kirby to watch Paranormal Activity!
gahhh!! i was just so excited to watch that movie.. but while watching.. i kind of regretted it.
but of course i couldn't stop watching it since i wanna know what happens!
seriously, anyone who wants to watch it, pls watch it in the cinemas or anywhere with A LOT of people.
even 2 people will not be enough.
and make sure you don't have anything planned the next day if you watch it at night (which is the best time to watch a horror movie of course)
cos you'll want to sleep overnight at someone's house.
hahaha... that didn't work so well with me cos i had plans early morning the next day.
it took a while for the movie to get going so we finished kind of late.
after my meeting the next day, i just went straight home and got some more sleep! :D

get the load off of Laila's pregnant belly! hahaha!
i can honestly say it was a fun nite.
totally worth sitting in the cold wind for hours on!
even though i was downright sleepy when we arrived back at the Kirby,
but for the movie, i'll stay up anytime cos i know i don't want to watch it alone.

<3 suryani

Sunday, October 18, 2009

tonight's gonna be a good night

today my cutie pie niece turns 3!
yesterday was her mommy's bday,
so i asked, "buat combine bday party tak?"
and the reply i got: "kak sue x buat party utk qys this year. utk qimi je nanti."

awww.. kesian nye qys!
mentang2 dah ade adek skang,
she doesnt get all the attention anymore.
and you know how kids are...
im sure when it comes to qimi's bday he'll get so many toys,
and qys will just think it's hers.
but then again, she is a good sister. so she might not think that way.

tomorrow is my mom's bday.
yup, 3 in a row.
thank goodness i'm not anywhere around all three,
if i were, it would mean 3 presents!

i've got nothing to do in my room today.
the weather outside is pretty sunny.
but still, i'd like some cool wind.
i'm so bored out of my mind lying here in my room.
i should really clean up the mess here while i have the time,
but know how it is!

i was just browsing through some traditional malay dances on the net,
since i am responsible for performances for next year's events.
yup, i was actually contemplating whether to continue on or not..
but apparently i was nominated for a couple of spots.
first one being much much higher, which of course i denied straight away.
second one, obviously now, being the cultural director.
i don't know why i took it when my original plan was to just step down and not continue.
but i guess only the people who have been in the same situation would understand.
it's not really being forced.. but more like... wanting to give...?
ah. whatever.
people voted for me. so that takes away the scariness.

well, i found my videos of previous dances i participated in for tourism malaysia in the past.
and as how people normally react when they look at their past, i laughed.

i also found pictures.
hahaha. which i will put.. here.. but a very tiny version so only i can laugh at myself, and you can laugh just a little bit.

this was in new york 2003, after an event at the consulate.

and this was in south africa 2005 (i think or somewhere around that) at sports day.

i found my TOK essay.
i found my Extended Essay for IB.
i found some french essays.
some TOK logs.
some math homework.
good times.

<3 suryani

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

things we didn't expect.

i'll be really quick.
since it's already 2am and i've got to wake up in 4.5hrs!

i was at uni til 1am today..
must've changed my name for the shuttle bus 4 times!
thankfully i went on the first round for security ride at 1am.
there were so many people going home that late hour!

while still trying to figure out my assignment,
i got a call from Laila... informing me with an update of Sarah's dad's condition.
i didn't have time to look at facebook...
but only from there would you realize that the worst has happened to her family.

i am so sorry to hear of your dad's passing.
i can't say i know how you feel because i've never had to go through something like that.
but i understand.
you know you'll always have my support and friendship here.
someone to keep you company :)
you'll never have to be alone.
i truly hope that you got there in time and were able to spend the last moments.
moments that you'll always keep close to your heart.
be strong.

she's gone through so many things these past few weeks
and it's times like these that i look upon my life,
and slap myself for not appreciating it as i should.
i just hope this realization doesn't fade away.

<3 suryani

Saturday, October 10, 2009

always staring.

i am currently at Uni in the plaza computer lab...
TRYING to work on my working drawings.
however, with all the distractions online, i have failed to do so.

i can honestly tell you (those of you who knows AutoCad)
that i have successfully drawn a rectangle since i've been here.. which was an hour and a half ago?
there were the distractions of Nur Kasih, having to register on the TV3 website.
then later i drew about 8 more lines to make up that rectangle.
then decided to go blog hopping.
hmm... not the best time, i know!

now i'm going through facebook.
for no reason.
i really want to finish this assignment by 2moro night.
yes, i plan to come again 2moro..
let's just hope that it doesn't turn out like today.

i don't know how many frickin times i've yawned.
i have a feeling i won't be in this computer lab for much longer.
i'd much rather sleep if i were to waste time!

well, on another note:
yesterday was our 1yr11mths :)
it's amazing how fast time flies.
it's weird to think back about our times together...
and it doesn't feel like it's been almost 2yrs.
i'm excited for nxt month :)
not so much for celebration, but for facing reality :)

i'm also excited for the plans for december!
won't get over-excited for now since nothing's confirmed.
but i'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

i'll leave with these happy photos of the little rascals.

i don't know why that comel little qimi boy is randomly flying in the background but i've got to admit it's cute :D

<3 suryani

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

penny for my thoughts?

yesterday was a full day.
from 6am to 5pm.
and then some!

to top it all off,
after taking an evening nap, i woke up to an sms.
one sms that i think i made the right decision with but yet it still makes me feel so guilty.
that just ruined the whole day.
technically, it's not the same day anymore.
but my real day starts when the sun rises!

i think i've been thinking about too many things at once.
and simultaneously, i've been doing so many things while thinking about other stuff.
i'm amazed at how i'm still stable at this very moment,
but i wouldn't be surprised if i break into pieces anytime soon.

thanks b, for lending a shoulder.
you are forever my one and only reliable support, 24/7 :)

<3 suryani

Thursday, October 1, 2009

if it's so unbelievable.

except for that one day of craziness,
my mid semester holidays have been going smoothly lately :)

continuing off from where i stopped last time,
there was at least one open house that i went to everyday last week.
it was great... 7 days of non-stop Raya celebration :)
i didn't go on Sunday though cos i thought it better for me to rest for one day since i would have to work everyday the next week :)
constant work keeps me stable and i'm happy to be able to have something to drag me out of bed everyday.

the preparation for MASCA-UMNO Open House was fun, much better than last year.
i was feeling a little sick, but after a few moments of shut eye i was all better.
now that all the chillaxing at the "headquarters" has stopped...
each day feels so boring.
we didn't just go to prepare stuff for the Open House, cos if we did then we could've left in only a matter of hours.
but we stayed til late, especially in the studio :D

the day of the Open House itself was remarkable..
the news predicted weather to include thunderstorms.
but our lucky streak is still continuing.
it only rained for a few moments, and tiny drops, then the sun shined for the rest of the day :)
Raya wouldn't be as fun without the people i stuck with.
so thanks to them, I had one of the best Raya ever :)
p.s. ukelele cepat balik okay~ Raya here was missing you~ haha

so, as of right now, i've got only three things on my mind that are troubling me.
but hopefully that will all be settled by next week.
can't wait for this semester to be over and head back to malaysia for 2 months of vacation!
which will hopefully include some kind of celebration for new year :)

<3 suryani