Friday, May 28, 2010

much stronger than forever.

I'm so confused.
Why do I feel this way?
Part of me feels like this is just another phase...
That it'll slowly fade away with time.

Could it be because I'm left stranded and alone?

But part of me feels like "I REALLY WANT IT!"
My conscious is fighting with me though.
There's this tug-of-war going on in my head... and my heart.

It's something I've never felt for so long.
Something I should still get... if everything was alright.
I feel overly excited over this.
When I know I shouldn't...
But I just can't help it.

Will you try to pull me back in?
Or will you just leave me with some slack forever?

Sorry, no random photo today cos I've gotten a little lazy to get my HDD :)

<3 suryani

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't want to get lost.

So I started out today thinking that I'd be pressured and stressed from having to finish up my assignment that's due on Thursday.
However, as I was trying to finish up my assignment at half past 9 this evening, something happened to lift the mood and lit up my entire night.
I honestly haven't felt this way in sooooo long...
which, I guess, sounds bad because I should feel like this everyday...
but with everything that's happened lately, I'm not surprised this straying has continued.

I'm in such a bubbly mood...
that I might just sleep early today and hope to dream of this dream :)
Seriously, I feel like I'm in high school all over again...
but this isn't play-play lah.
I've only told 3 people today of what happened.
And hahahaha... I must sound so childish right now, I'm sorry, but it's something I haven't felt for so long.
So I guess it's understandable that I'm reacting this way :)))

But don't misunderstand me ...
deep inside I'm still VERY worried about my assignments.

So here's my random photo from my phone.
It's from my graduation... with Sarah and Isabel!~
It's blurry.. but I love the photo for some reason. :)

<3 suryani

Thursday, May 20, 2010

lingering thoughts

i am extremmmeeeelllyyy happy that my lecturer decided to book the computer suite for us...
lately, it's been so full of first and second year students with their classes and workshops that we all had to get kicked out.

it's ridiculous for us to pay this much amount of money...
to only see the Hughes Plaza get renovated...
and the Architecture school to get left out.
when i was in first year, we only had one computer room...
and they were renovating the new computer room.
we got to use it in second year, if i'm not mistaken.
at first, everyone was so relieved cos there were more computers, which means we all could have a chance at doing our work at uni.
but now, the rooms are always booked by classes that means we almost always never get enough time to do our work.

it may be a little too late for our lecturer to book it...
cos no one might come tomorrow anyway...
but monday and tuesday will be ideal :D
i will make full use of it. :))

on another note:

here are some random photos that i got out from my phone.
i finally got it to connect to my laptop.
i think i shall continue to put 2 random photos of things from my phone with every blog that i post after this.
...until i run out of random photos lah.

these are random notes i found on someone's locker... and it changes every once in a while :))

<3 suryani

Thursday, May 13, 2010

the impossible

never think that you are good enough for something you don't know the outcome of.

i have been there through good and hard times, through the smooth ride and the rough ones.
i know that you are in dire need of getting your priorities straight.
you may have said that i was the problem in this equation...
but it's obvious that you are your own problem.

of course you are getting tired of it.
but just keep on moving forward to just get this over and done with as quick as you possibly can.
but then, i guess you don't know what i mean do you.
because these lips are chapped and dried out just blabbering on about the same things every single time.
with no success.

i am getting tired of worrying for you.
i am getting tired of being the one that cares more than you.

so set your future straight, will you?!

<3 suryani

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

asking for a change

I think all I needed was a little more attention that I usually get...
maybe that is why I strayed.

I can tell you one thing,
I loved it, while it lasted. :)

On another topic,
I'm very relieved that the due dates for the assignments I have left aren't that close to each other,
giving me more time to concentrate on MASCA SA's stuff.
Like the event we have lined up next for a dance.
I've got to get those steps going...
at least pick the song out.
With loads of help from mon amie, Miss Ukelele,
I'm sure we can make this a success :))

<3 suryani

Sunday, May 9, 2010

someone i cannot be

first of all,
i'd like to wish a very happy mother's day to my mom and sister.
but my mom doesn't really read this.
the past few times i've expressed my heart out like my parents would read this...
they were kind of put to waste cos my family don't know that this blog exists.
let's keep it that way... :)
they were just merely a way for me to let go of things i wouldn't know who to express it to.

so basically, i just texted my mom and called her.
however, i'm a little confuzzled at how the topic ran off course from mother's day to talking about the airport system and it's reliability.
but yes, that is my mother, who goes on talking about different topics at a time with no fullstop, commas, nor pause in between.
i think i might have inherited a little of that... ohmaigoshhh... i'm becoming a little more like her every minute of my life!

i would loveeee to wish one of my beautiful bestfriends a very happy 22nd birthday :)
Arielle, I don't know how much of this you still read, but I hope you're reading this...
i know you're busy... but this will be here for you even when you decide to read it when you're in your granny chair. hahaha.
okay, no.
and even though you said the best birthday gift would be me going to nyc...
that present will be a couple years late,
seeing as how i won't be going anytime soon. :(
but tell you what, why don't you save up a trip to the MET for us? :)
we can spend time there like the good ol' days :)

i realized i talked way too much about paper sizes in the last post.
more than i should be anyway.
but i think the architecture student in me just needed to crawl out for a second and let someone know the many hassles we go through.

so whoever sees me in the next lifetime,
please don't forget to remind me to not take up architecture anymore.
make me a photo montage of my life now if needed to persuade the next-lifetime-me.
i'm sure the next-lifetime-me would be scared out of her/his/it's skirt/pants/whatever.

<3 suryani

Saturday, May 8, 2010

a revolving world.

...and again, it's been a while.

i've been super busy the last couple of weeks due to the major assignment submissions.
we had something major to hand in for our elective,
which ended up being more of a consult...
that turned out good cos my lecturer liked my idea.

then we had the final design submission for our core subject,
which really put me back on my beauty sleep.
the submission for my elective was on Monday so right after that I took a good long nap... and continued on my final design submission for Thursday.
on Wednesday I came to Uni for a workshop session at 11am... and I stayed on at Uni overnight to finish my final design so i can print it off, submit it, and go home.
i finished my assignment at about 9.30am...
but everytime i wanted to print... i saw something that i needed to change.
when i was finally happy with it, i finally decided to print.
little did i know the trouble that was heading my way -_-!!!

from expecting to print it out by 10am (since the printer takes a long ass time to print A0 size paper)... and being able to go home a bit and take a shower and come back for submission at 2pm...
i left Uni at 2:30pm... because the printer was jammed with other people trying to print large A0 and A1s and first years being a pain in the ass trying to print word documents on the frickin plotter.

i finally had mine printed...
but at A1s.. which made it look much uglier.. since i had to re-arrange everything on the poster to fit two A1s instead of one A0. -_-!!!
i took a picture of it after pinning it up, but maybe i won't show it here seeing as how it's so damn ugly.

so i literally almost fell asleep on the bus heading back home...
but once i got home... i think i practically fainted on my bed.
surprisingly i woke up after a mere 6-hour nap after being stuck at uni infront of a computer for 27 hours.

so, i'm so stubborn.. i should have started earlier right?
like the weekend?
but i terrriiibbbllyyyy needed the money...
so i decided to work on the weekend on an event, Tasting Australia, at Elder Park.
the first day was gloomy for our stall..
but the second day was greattttnesssss!

<3 suryani