Thursday, June 24, 2010

where the mind wanders

my apologies.
i haven't been updating this blog for a while now...
and that's only because i've been so busy with my assignments and work.

so, as of Tuesday 22 June at 12.25pm i was officially done with my semester 1 of Masters of Architecture.
how about that?
sure, the semester flew by real fast..
but it was a bitch just trying to get through it.
i'm not saying that next semester won't be WORSE...
but i'm gonna enjoy my holidays while i can :)

i'm leaving for Malaysia next week :)) yippeeeeee!!!~
i think it's good that this time i'm only going back for a few short weeks,
for a simple reason: my brother's wedding.
i really don't need to out do myself and forget how important my focus will be for the next 5 semesters.

now that the World Cup has started... that's what I've been doing in between work and sleep.
albeit i'm not a huge soccer fan...
i still love watching the sport, ever since high school.
i used to go to every basketball and soccer game my school had.

i want a vuvuzela.
i want all those colorful wigs and hats!
next WC is in brazil.
i really want to go.
that'd be AMAZING!
come on, who's with me??? :D

<3 suryani

Saturday, June 12, 2010

when a bee dies.

I am a person who cherish friendships that I have.
I know to cherish it because I am a person who usually sees my friends for only four years... and the rest would be through letters and e-mails.
Even for a person who is not my best friend...
I will cherish that friendship.

But maybe I care too much about friends...
that people think they can take advantage of it...
and step where ever they like.
And maybe I care too much about friends is what's making me feel so easily stabbed-in-the-back.

I've thought so much about it.
What can I do?
I can't simply stop caring about friends.
That's the way I'm meant to be.
Maybe I shouldn't care too much?

I woke up early today to find a friend stabbing me.
A true friend knows what matters most at heart.
Well, I woke up with a stung heart.
I tried to go back to i can forget all about it and care less.
But all I did when I awoke again was the same thing.

And so... I shall let today pass with a heart so stung...
all I can do is keep quiet.

...and tomorrow shall I pretend as though nothing has happened.

<3 suryani

Thursday, June 3, 2010

rocky balance.

I'm in a place I never thought I'd find myself in.
It was something I said then... and I've said before...
but usually it works out.
This time, I think that was it.

<3 suryani